Right now, i've got a large screen obj (160x160) which follows the users mouse pixel location. The only problem is, if the object goes beyond the set boundaries of my map, the map zooms out (basically, increases my world.view) to accomodate it. Is there a way to make it so the obj just disappears as it goes off the screen? or even just making it stop?
To make it disappear as it leaves the screen, you would have to switch from using it on the HUD to using /images. Basically, you would create an object with an icon, and have it follow the mouse around on the map. You then create an image with its loc set to that object, and output that image to the player you want to see it. The reference entry has a decent example.

To just keep it within the bounds of the screen, you would have to parse the screen_loc text string to get the X and Y position, and then use min() and max() to limit them to within the bounds of the screen, and then place the object there instead.
You can use forum_account's mouse POSITION library and use del() when the mouse if off the map? Not sure if that worked never tried it.
Try setting the "x" value of the screen object to 1 but set it's x offset to a negative value. For example, set screen_loc = "1:-64,1" instead of "-1:0,1".