So I've been working on this project for a while, and recently it's been bothering me that when I right click a mob (which has a client), it displays their key, rather than their name. And example of this is as follows:
This has posed a lot of issues, along with the fact that a code in which a mob is clicked will not work.
This code on the other hand does work:
A live demonstration of this code is posted here:
However, a code like this next one will not recognize the mob's name and instead will state their key. As a result of that, the code will display the perks, enable you to give one to the person, however it won't appear in their perks list; as if the Key and the Person are two different entities.
This will clearly show the problem:
As you can see, if the mob is directly right clicked and then is proceeded by the verb, it will work.
Apr 18 2014, 4:50 am (Edited on Apr 18 2014, 5:48 am)
(See the best response by Koshigia.)
Apr 18 2014, 5:52 am
Best response
Assisting in PM. Name issue is due to using a second "Name" variable (with a capitalized letter) while the default "name" variable remains unchanged and defaulting to key.
Fixed! Thanks a billion, Koshigia.
As petty as it was, the issue was that the variable was called "Name", rather than the built in "name". This then led to a series of complications. However it's all over now. Thank you, Koshigia (: |