I want to make it so my statpanel appears in a certain order currently it goes (Stat)(Inventory)then verb categorys when logged in to game can a make it so a predefined stappanel can appear after my verb created categorys?


(Stat)verb categorys(Inventory)
The tabs show up in the same order as you program them under your Stat() proc.


In this example, the Stats tab would come before the Verbs tab.
In response to El Wookie
I want a predefined to appear AFTER unpredefined ones.
In response to Shadowkaroth
Verb panels have nothing to do with statpanels. If you insist on using the old info control instead of a more manageable grid control then you're stuck with how BYOND orders those things.
In response to Nadrew
I thought I would move it to a grid. Just was curious if BYOND would allow it to be done simply as it only one tab I want to specificly order. But alright.

Thank you for the help both of you.

Nadrew I appreciate the awnser.