Hey so I've been working on a small RPG type environment today. Felt like sharing because just keeping it to myself is boring. Don't know where I'd get the time during the semester to finish it but it's a cool starting point for any RPG I want to d in the future.
What I got working today:
- 60FPS & Smooth Movement
- Multiuser Chat, Secure against spam, html, length.
- Debug Console (ctrl + shift + D)
- Spawn Point Object (map placable) (invisible ingame)
- Inventory
- Item Pickups / Drops / Stacking / Max Inventory - Size
- Turf auto joining
- Some basic icons
- Action Output
(Is 60FPS in reality, needs time to load once)
Apr 17 2014, 6:27 am (Edited on Apr 17 2014, 6:33 am)
In response to Eternal_Memories
Eternal_Memories wrote:
BYOND doesn't handle well big icons, and Sidescrollers normally require them, therefore you might get lag... It's pretty hard to handle more than >50 players. This is not true. The only possible "lag" from big icons is in loading from the RSC and registering the appearance or from downloading the RSC initially. The stutters that larger icon objects can cause can be gotten around quite easily by forcibly precaching icons you know to be problematic. The entire "large objects cause lag" thing isn't actually true provided you have a sane implementation. |
I've tested 2048x768 parallax backgrounds with no issues, A2J2, so I'm sure it comes down to poor programming or understanding.
A2J2TIWARI wrote:
Sorry but I have a question... Why you too are making RPG? Can byond not make any Platformer games? I think there's too many RPGs on BYOND already and just for the sake of change making Platformer will be beneficial for you, players and BYOND because I think Side scroller projects can be completed faster and are more successful. Well, I think doing something substantially different doesn't always guarantee any more success and making a side scroller just for the sake of it doesn't sound like a good basis for game. I like to make games that interest me, have some relevance to other people, are within my skill set and can be accomplished in a reasonable time frame. Also I would like to add that the reason RPGs are so prevalent on BYOND is likely because BYOND was designed and is best suited for RPG games. That and RPG games are very popular. It would take me a lot longer to build a side scroller game, I wouldn't be as interested in it because RPGs interest me more right now. It would just overall be a resounding failure I think. I'd rather just make a game that I want to make. |
In response to Eternal_Memories
However, I don't recommend Zecronious to keep the FPS to 60, it'll make your game lag even if it has few content (unless we're talking about a single player) Yeah I'll just see how things go. Currently it's running very smoothly. Hardly any usage. |
60fps isn't that bad provided you build a behavior loop that runs at a more limited frequency. Very few games need to perform logic at 60fps. I wouldn't recommend logical behavior at more than 20fps. You'll want to segment your code in such a way that input and graphical updates are constructed in a manner where the grunt-logic is performed on average spanning three ticks at most, responding to input-management and UI management when necessary each 60fps tick.
I, personally run at 40, because it looks smooth enough and provides me an evenly divisible tick_lag to work with. "It will lag" is not a valid piece of advice. With 60fps, you are limiting yourself to about 17ms per frame to do whatever it is you need to do, but through logical segmentation you can extend that time to 50ms per logical tick. |
In response to Ter13
Basically what you're saying is that behavioural loops like looking for an enemy, or waiting for input in general should be delayed by larger times than if I was running a lower FPS?
I updated the graphics a bit and I'm working on equipment. The character also has 4 directions now. Leaving the animation of those directions for a while. I'm not a good artist but what the hey.
In response to Zagros5000
Thanks :)
Hey so I did some work while I was on a short break. Added the ability to have weapons and equip them, a boat, and some skills/attributes.
-- Sword -- -- Boat -- The boat out on the water. -- Stats -- |
Build Your Own Net Dream
If you don't like mine, whatever. It's my net dream, not yours. |
Your username looks unfamiliar so I'm not sure if you're new around here or not, but I'll explain.
Probably 90% of what I type on this site is sarcastic or an attempt to make other people laugh. I'm not sure if my runescape comment pissed you off or not, but it wasn't my intention to piss you off. I didn't write it saying to myself "I hope Zecro's feelings will be hurt after he reads this!" I can't speak for Branks and the others, but I'm assuming everyone was just being equally nonchalant about the ordeal. No one is out to get you, this is just how the average discussion on BYOND plays out. There's no need to get super defensive with posts like "THIS IS BYOND, I CAN MAKE WHATEVER I WANT!" and in fact, that only draws more unwanted attention to yourself. As you can see, after you made that post, Branks called you salty and Yut chimed in as well. You only made the situation worse. In fact, Branks's post was pseudo-constructive. Once again, in a nonchalant manner, he was just mentioning the fact that you're using stat panels, which are kinda considered to be outdated now, and they look ugly as well. However, your point was also valid. If you want to make games that look like they were created by Developous, that's entirely your prerogative here on BYOND. We're like one big dysfunctional family who talk crap to each other on a daily basis. It's been like this years. I guess sometimes we forget that some people might be new, or just probably never delved much into the community side of BYOND, but what's happening to you has pretty much happened to everyone on this site. And then we make comments that we normally make, and we expect you to know we're being sarcastic, or to recognize exactly what we mean when we probably shouldn't. You're not alone, you're not being singled out, this is just the typical BYOND atmosphere. Pretty much everyone has gone through this, even Tom, the owner of BYOND himself, has taken a beating from this community. Welcome aboard. And get rid of those stat panels. |
However, I don't recommend Zecronious to keep the FPS to 60, it'll make your game lag even if it has few content (unless we're talking about a single player)