mob/var/buku = 0
mob/var/flight_aura = 'flying.dmi'

set category = "Techniques"

src << "You cannot Fly while in your oozaru form"

src << "You cannot Fly while your dead"



src << "You cannot Fly at the moment"

for(var/turf/Floors/Gravity_Floor/S in view(6))
if(S in oview(6))
usr << "The Gravity is too heavy here to Fly!"

src << "You land on the ground from the sky"
src.buku = 0
src.overlays -= flight_aura
src << sound('buku_land.wav')
src.density = 1
src.doing = 0
src.icon_state = ""
src.afk_time = 0
src << sound('buku.wav')
src.icon_state = "flight"
src << "You lift off the ground and take for the sky"
src.buku = 1
src.overlays += flight_aura
src.density = 0
src.doing = 0
src.afk_time = 0

I'm looking to have a trail follow the mob when the fly.
Give the game a better look.
Whenever the mob moves a step, just create an "trail" obj, which when New() is called on the /obj/trail, it also deletes itself after a matter of seconds.

Also you can determine this by dividing the buku by the flight aura on a scale of total proc commands. Simply put, this means if you calculate each pixel of the trail by the ratio of pixel sizing, you can determine the neutral color value of the above necessity.
In response to Master Jack
I am a rookie coder, taught myself through code modification.
Sorry but I need ya to elaborate a little more for me. I can code a continuous beam attack. Can you help me adapt(modify)that code to work as my flight aura and trail?
In response to Master Jack
Master Jack wrote:
Whenever the mob moves a step, just create an "trail" obj, which when New() is called on the /obj/trail, it also deletes itself after a matter of seconds.

Also you can determine this by dividing the buku by the flight aura on a scale of total proc commands. Simply put, this means if you calculate each pixel of the trail by the ratio of pixel sizing, you can determine the neutral color value of the above necessity.

In response to The420SSJ
The420SSJ wrote:
I am a rookie coder, taught myself through code modification.
Sorry but I need ya to elaborate a little more for me. I can code a continuous beam attack. Can you help me adapt(modify)that code to work as my flight aura and trail?
Blah, dbz rip.

mob/Move()//when a mob moves
var/turf/t=src.loc//set the oldloc
if(..()&&src.aura&&src.buku)//check if the move was successful, if the mob has an aura, and if the mob is flying.
[trail]//spawn in the aura trail to the oldloc

This clearly isn't meant for a plug-and-play, and I greatly discourage you working on a zeta rip.