A great game that was going places until recently.
Gameplay 5/5
Graphics 3/5
Playerbase 3/5
Updates 2/5
P2W rating 2/5
mod rating 1/5
admin rating 1/5
While the game is not play to win, buying unlocks will increase ur odds of winning for even the average player by double, do to the overpowered unlockable charaters and jutsu. A good player can rape entire teams at a rate of even 1 v 5 with unlocks thus the 2/5 p2w rating.
Gameplay is excelent, though lag, and dream seaker crashing issues due acure.
Graphis receive 3/5 bc 2 of the current 5 2d games i've played on byond have better graphics
Playerbase dispite the player base being generally retarded, there are alot of them at any givin time so i gave it a 3 out of 5.
Mods, this would of recieved a 3 out of 5 two months ago but they have gotten a wild hair up thier asses recently and started banning stuff out of the blue, bc they dont like it. Generally booting and banning people for what ever reason they feel like.
Admin, would of gotten a 5 out of 5 4-6 months ago, but recently that changed with red ramii not being active and when on not really caring about cosabs at all ignoreing both bug and abuse reports. The game owner Zerok, has become lax with updates and general focus has become on his new games making him absent and with the admin gone mods are ruining the game that was great.
Updates, 2 out of 5 bc now its updated once a month? compared to how it used to be 1 a week atleast, at one point zerok showed such care about his game they were coming every day.
![]() Apr 15 2014, 4:15 pm