![]() Aug 31 2001, 5:37 pm
when the character punshes, let's say, if "flicks" the punching graphic, i get that. but is there a way to make the enemy be able to react. i could just make it all in the verb, but i don't know what way the enemy is facing, or what enemy they attacked. would i just need to make a really complex if command or is there and easier way? |
ok, what i meant was that how do i play it's animation, becuase I don't know what they attacked, i don't know what animation to play, so i would need some variable or somthing i guess, that was there fighting animation.
but then, how would i play it? becuase to use Flick you need to know what to flick, and there isn't a space for somthing like flick(src,"Defend") saying that all the enemies and players have a var called Defend, but that isn't the proper syntax and there for is not usable. |
that's what this whole stirng is about. and defend whould be an icon state, just an icon state under the name defend. |
mob/verb/punch(mob/M in oview(1))
var/tmp/dm = 5 M.HP -= dm flick("punching", src) That flicks the icon state "punching" from the icon src currently has. You can use ' if you want to flick an entirelly new icon (ie, flick('ghost.dmi', src) would change the persons icon to ghost.dmi for a second)) Alathon |
alright, that's good, so i can make me punch, but what about making the enemy react, is this possiably?
i'm saying that i want the enemy to flick a picutre when the player does his "punch" flick. |
i'm saying that i want the enemy to flick a picutre when the player does his "punch" flick. Fine. Good. So do that. What exactly is the big problem here? If you know how to do flick ("punching",src), you know how to do the same for the enemy. |
LexyBitch wrote:
i'm saying that i want the enemy to flick a picutre when the player does his "punch" flick. Yes, its great that you copy paste my code, atleast have the decency to understand what it means. Obviously you dont even understand one bit of what that command is doing, except for familiar words like HP, the subtraction sign, and a number. Alathon |
I think it's hilarious that he posted:
flick(src,"punching") and said that you can't do it because it's incorrect syntax. I think what he was trying to communicate is that flick doesn't take an argument where src is, to specify who's getting flicked... when it does, as he would know if he'd bothered to look flick() up in the help file or reference before coming here. |
LexyBitch wrote:
I think it's hilarious that he posted: Heh Alathon |
If you don't know what enemy they attacked, how do you apply the damage??