I rather enjoy reading such well versed posts as Lexy's and others, be them long or short. I admit, I sometimes do spend more time in the forum than in DreamMaker, but that's beside the point.
Please don't hinder your exspressive abilities just to suit a few people's ideals of what an acceptable post should be. I may be a bit biased here, as I too am sometimes known to go on at length...
~Long-Winded Xoox
BTW: When I refer to exspressive abilities, I am not condoning such practices as multiple run-on sentenses that merge into a distorted list of random letters and symbols, like some posts I have read. Nor do I condon the use of CAPS or slang terminology, as this a multi-cultural, and multi lingual forum. My slang may be someone else's swear...
The ability to express one's self is in direct proportion to the ability of others to understand your expression. Meaning, if I start rambling on in some unknown language, my exspressive ability is completely void, becuase noone will be able to understand the words I type.
This is often mistaken for freedom of expression on this forum, when clearly it is a lack of understanding of how to clearly express one's self.
There I go again, on and on and on....
[EDIT] And I would diswade the act of posting while intoxicated, for those of you who are able. You'll regret it later, I can assure you...
and on and on...
Some times, I post when fatigued and tired out of my mind. I say extrelely stupid things that I wish I had never said... It once came to the point that Lexy, even being one of the nicest people on BYOND, called me a despicable person.
What you may see emerge would be something similar to what we have on this planet, but if you subscribe to the idea that religion grows out of a collection of superstitions and myths (I don't), then that's about all you're likely to get. Interesting... do you believe that all religions were handed down from on high, then? Or do you subscribe to some sort of Jungian/Campbellian theory about archetypes? Just curious. |
Yes, it is difficult for you to try to read several paragraphs of me bashing on you in this argument. Impossible, even. Go back and read my posts all the way through, and you'll see that.
I say I don't understand you. When you refuse to expand upon your reasoning, I present refutations for a few of the arguments I can imagine you might use to support your actual position, whatever that position may be... at no time do I attack you personally. All I want to know is: what is it exactly that bothers you? I don't ask this to be mean, or to attack your beliefs... but because, frankly, I don't know what your beliefs are. If you were some loser DBZer who wandered in and said "Lexy this sucks put in some saiyan namek stuff," I'd be content to blow off your objection, as I did at first. But you aren't some loser DBZer. You're intelligent, thoughtful, and mature. The more I think about it, the more it bothers me that I don't know what you based your objection on. When you refuse to elaborate, that bothers me even more, and on an even more basic level, for reasons articulated in the posts above. So take it as a bash, if you want to, but that's not the intent. When I say, "I want to know what the **** you're thinking," that is a compliment, because I honestly don't give a damn what most people think. |
I'm trying to create a world without evil. The players will release this evil by their actions. In this respect, it will be similar to Earth.
So, I most likely will: 1. Have no "gods" 2. Have generally no "demons" 3. Allows the players to create "evil" or "Goodness" The rules of the "religion" that I might do: "Do onto others as you would do unto yourself" Other rules are unless... As for "idols", I now intent not to have any. There are no fixed representation of the intangible anyway. But major players (repected or feared), may create guilds that may act as religions. What do you think??? |
The bible condemns such things as divination, practicing magic, looking for omens, sorcery, binding with spells, consulting spirit mediums ("Agents used as a vessel of a demon of divination") and fortunetellers, because all such things are linked with demons. (Deuteronomy Chapter 18, verses 10 and 11) Also Idolatry (Galations Chapter 5, verses 19 and 20) and the worship of elements are condemned. (Deuteronomy Chapter 17, verses 2 through 5)
You could use the argument "It's just a game" if you wanted, but it really doesn't make much of a difference. If it condemns things linked with demons, why would playing a game containing or about them be any different? To me, it's not. Since the bible is commonly used in quite a few religions worldwide, it's not unreasonable to expect some people to be upset over things like this in a game. Whether you choose to care or not is up to you. |
The point is not to be worshiping it. Idolatry requres that you worship something. Worshiping the elements is still worshiping something. I never suggested anything like that, you just interpreted it that way. Try telling that to a Muslim. At a time when supposedly Christian Europe was sticking gargoyles, faeries, and any sort of beast from pagan mythology imaginable in the carvings that adorned their major buildings (98% of which were church structures), Muslim architects were decorating their buildings with intricate geometric patterns rather than any images of any natural or unnatural life whatsoever. Islamic law prohibits the worshipping of graven images, and devout Muslims fully believed that depicting natural images amounted to worship of the images so depicted. Paying homage to anything or anyone other than the One True God in a monotheistic religion (excepting things or people very closely associated with your One True God), particularly on a scale so large as erecting a temple, is not a very pious thing to do, at best. And thus we're back to square one. Being a godless heathen, I'm not great on theology, but it occurs to me that pretty much any game which does not feature an explicitly [insert major world religion of choice here] religion supports a theology contrary to your pinsert major world religion] beliefs. And, being an agnostic already consigned to eternal damnation, I believe that it's a lot more important to judge outside religions based on moral, rather than dogmatic, virtue--a game in which you can choose to consort with demons but doing so makes life really, really suck for you except for a few cool demonic tricks seems to me to be a much more morally inclined game than one in which you can choose either to be "Good" alignment and be stuck with a goody-goody moral code that prevents you from doing anything useful or you can choose to be "Evil" alignment and get to screw everyone else over as much as humanly possible. Or, for that matter, a game in which you're trying to screw every other player as hard as possible right off the bat. |
Heh, I still remember when fundamentalists were up in arms over the game Demonseed. It was a Galaga style game where you shot at vaguely birdshaped blocky pixel formations and they thought it promoted violence.
Xooxer wrote:
So you've never played Super Mario Bros. ? I think Foomer is evasively attempting to treat your question as if you're asking him if he's ever played a game in which you actually commit real life murder. |
Well, I really shouldn't be adding fuel this fire... I don't like to rag on people, and I do hope Foomer won't be upset at my imature remark...
I admit I sometimes find Lexy's style a little daunting myself, but I don't think she's bashing you here. Read this paragraph again:
Look, my stance is the weak one here: I'm saying it doesn't matter, one way or the other, whether there are something called "demons" in a game. I'm not emotionally invested in the matter, one way or the other. I have apathy, you have... what? Believe? Conviction? Opinion? You've got something motivating you. Show it. Don't do it because I ask, though... do it for yourself. If you can't defend your beliefs, you have no way of knowing if they're even defensible.
Doesn't sound like bashing to me!