(See the best response by Pirion.)
set background = 1
world.game_state = 1
world.game_state = 0

Problem description:
Well anyways I am having an issue with the hub where my game goes off the hub if nobody is playing it. This means nobody can join the game without using replay. If you join the game, the hub entry comes back, and you get an alert that the game is back online. I would assume this is a normal behavior of the BYOND hub, except for I see many other games that are online with 0 players. I don't know if this is a bug, if it is new, if it is an issue with be using a shell server, if there is a workaround, or anything.

For what it is worth, the above code was a failed attempt to try to refresh the hub. I might just be an idiot and there could be some magical built in proc for this.

Hmm.. is there possibly a way to simulate the login of a player every once in a while to prevent this?
Best response
This was a confirmed bug in a recent release. Please make sure that you're using a version greater than the release that it was marked resolved in. If that is true and the issue persists, then I would recommend opening another bug report. forum/?post=1494956&hl=world%20not%20on%20hub
I am usin6 504.1234 and that release was .1232. My BYOND version is up to date.
I would suggest also trying out 506.1241 to see if the issue is there too - and as said, create a bug report for the issue.