I've come up with a way to control available resources with by putting the resources like wood, fish, ore, oil into a list as obj's. But what I want to happen is when Repop is called, it refills these list with resources at a maybe a random number of items. Does anyone know if Repop will cover this? Or can I overwrite the Repop proc to include my resource list?

LordJR wrote:
I've come up with a way to control available resources with by putting the resources like wood, fish, ore, oil into a list as obj's. But what I want to happen is when Repop is called, it refills these list with resources at a maybe a random number of items. Does anyone know if Repop will cover this? Or can I overwrite the Repop proc to include my resource list?

I believe the answers are no and no. What you'll need to do is write a proc, called during world.New() and any time you repopulate the world, to initialize the list.

Lummox JR