![]() Apr 17 2002, 5:12 pm
In response to Foomer
actually i do it for free as long as your game is good im in it for the skill my real goal in life is claymation.
I would like some magic spells if possible.
As well as some weather type icons like rain, snow, electricity for thunder storms, and what not. If this is at all possible I wouldnt mind having something like that ^_^ Lee |
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
If you're staying away from sprites, may I assume that pixies, nixies, pwcas, pucks, bogeys, selkies, leprechauns, gnomes, and elves are also right out? sarcasm gets you nowhere |
GreenDice wrote:
Lesbian Assassin wrote: I missed it... where was the sarcasm? Homonym wordplay is usually referred to as a "pun." |
Skysaw wrote:
GreenDice wrote: its not a pun a pun might be funny she was being sarcastic in saying sprites blah blah blah are right out its not a pun... |
umm yeah did you learn anything from that tutorial? you should shade them more and try taking off the fangs on the bat i didnt buy em i can see the little thumbnail...
Well the thumbnail only does %15 justice. All most all of them are 4 direction and animated. it took me 2 weeks worth of work to make the animation cycles look life like. I spent some time on this pack so you can't really see the work I put into it from that thumbnail view. :(
GreenDice wrote:
Skysaw wrote: Most puns are definitely NOT funny, though I suppose humor is the intent. Sarcasm generally means the use of irony in mockery. If you had previously mentioned how much you loved pixies and gnomes, in a different context, it certainly would have been sarcasm. But here's some help for you from the dictionary: pun n. See anything there about funny? Or anything there that doesn't describe her post, for that matter? |
i guess a dictionary is bible for people here who dwell on spelling errors right? only way you can make fun?
GreenDice wrote:
i guess a dictionary is bible for people here who dwell on spelling errors right? only way you can make fun? I apologize. I didn't mean to make you feel bad about your lack of understanding. I only brought out the dictionary because it was apparent you needed it, not I. For the record, I never mentioned anything about spelling. |
LordJR wrote:
You kids today have not a clue of the real world ahead of you. All I can say is GOOD LUCK! you adults are so cluless! and wasting your time on these forums...get a job... you think i talk like this in real life then you yourself have no life...im sure if everyone was judged by that lexy would be someone who corrects people just because they say something wrong and not good enough for her. |
Son.. Its so obvious your morally challenged, but no need to bring you personal issues to these forums, rarely do I see a positive or progressive post from you.
I havent read netforce, but i have read rainbow 6 and the bear and the dragon, those are very exellent books if you havent looked at them you should. (though i must warn you rainbow six is over 700 pages, and the bear and the dragon is 1028 pages, if you dont like large books i would oviod them.)
Skysaw wrote:
GreenDice wrote: yeah i mispelled pun to say sarcasm....dont be anal sky |