Well anyways This is FireEmblem maker of a popular-to-some-but-others-couldn't-possibly-care-less game series called The Zone.. Those games were ok, but Part 1 of The Zone was most famous for having small familiars aid your quest..Smifflions. Anywho I am currently working on 'The Zone: Awakening' this The Zone title will not interact what-so-ever with the previous The Zone series. But It will have the familiar raising system and a battle system, The only other The Zone game with a battle system was the Turn-Based The Zone Ultra.. This battle system will not be turn-based. Anyways I need Ideas for my game such as:
*Types of Familiars*
-{Insert Idea here}
-Elf:Archer is already made
-Human is already made
-That Guy from AOL Instant Messanger is already made =P
-{Insert Idea here}
*Game Features*
-Example:RP Mode
-{Insert Idea here}
*Any Ideas what-so-ever*
-{Insert Idea here}
Well thanks for your time!
![]() May 11 2002, 12:20 pm