I was wondering, how would I go about doing modes of play?
How to tell the game which map to use, how to make it so players join the right game, ETC.
Anybody ever come across this back alley before?
![]() Jul 19 2002, 4:39 pm
![]() Jul 19 2002, 5:46 pm
As far as designing it I would use an HTML popup window.
Title screen would be nice. It could work pretty well.
You could have indicators for modes too. |
This is what I have right now
var/const/MODE_FREEFORALL=1 The team part isn't working, lol. So I really gave up on it and started doing things here and there. BTW, I made it so you have to select the mode like this: mob/host/verb/Mode() Comments, suggestions? -ST |
var/const/MODE_TEAMS=2 var/global/playmode=MODE_FREEFORALL var/global/current_playmode // for current game mob/verb/Join()//proc/Join() switch(current_playmode) if(MODE_FREEFORALL) var/mob/newmob = new /mob/smiley() newmob.name = usr.key newmob.gender = usr.gender usr.client.mob = newmob if(MODE_TEAMS) var/t = rand(1,2) var/mob/newmob = new /mob/smiley() // newmob.name = usr.key newmob.gender = usr.gender usr.client.mob = newmob switch(t) if(1) usr.overlays += new /obj/overlays/out() usr.team = "Outlaws" if(2) usr.overlays += new /obj/overlays/dep() usr.team = "Deputies" mob/host/verb/Mode() set category = "Host" var/T = input("Which mode do you want to set it to? (Now: [current_playmode])") in list ("1. Free for All","2. Team Battle") switch(T) if("2. Team Battle") current_playmode = MODE_TEAMS world << "The mode of play has been set to Team Battle!" if("1. Free For All") current_playmode = MODE_FREEFORALL world << "The mode of play has been set to Free For All!" //Added an indicator to show current play mode //Changed a few vars to global //edited Join() |