This is an idea I've had for a while cause I think that having a first person shooter on byond would be cool but I have no idea of any way to do it. Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance-Senormofo
Don't even try. It can be done, but the lag would be impossible to deal with.
In response to Garthor
With proper programming it might be possible without that much lag o.o It wouldnt be able to support an -action- first person game, but for a game in the vein of the older first person rpgs (Might and Magic?) where it was more turn based itd prolly be possible o.o

The problem is setting up your maps ^^ The easiest way to do it I think (of course, this is coming from someone who coudlnt program thier way outa a paper bag in DM) would be to make icons for different peices of achitecture, at different distances, and probably to keep it somewhat sane say just the 4 main cardinal directions (north south east west).

Set up a internal system of coordinates ( via the list function perhaps ) so that the game can keep track of where things are, then as the player moves simply run a seek function so that the game would know what objects were within a certain distance, in teh direction the character is looking. Then simply grab those icons, and draw them on a modified HUD so you dont really have to worry about dealing with maps either o.o


W = Wall (w further away)
T = Torch (t further away)
R = Roof (you get the idea)
F = Floor
G = Goblin
Y = You

This is what is going on internally (Top-view, distances arent noted)


SO you're standing juist before an intersection, with a goblin standing there in front of you right?

This is what would be rendered
_____ Note the space for the intersection, itd prolly be a | different wall icon, but thats kinda hard to do with ascii ^_~
W w w W

Okay, thats -horribly- done, but I hope you kinda get the idea o.o itd be convoluted, itd be slow as hell, but with a little tweaking you could possibly get a dungeon-romp type first person game going o.o It might only be feasable for one-player games, but you never know ^_^

Cinnom and Ebonshadow have done it.
Hmmm O.o Very helpful arnt I :)
1st person shooter you say hmmm. Lag many I think that would be really hard to do but I think it could be done. Probley might want to make it a One player arcade type game so it submits the score after you die to a server like in shape shifters.

Possible (yes)
Lag (Supper)
Multiplayer (doubt it)
Putting together (Very hard)

Good Luck
In response to Green Lime
Green Lime wrote:
Hmmm O.o Very helpful arnt I :)
1st person shooter you say hmmm. Lag many I think that would be really hard to do but I think it could be done. Probley might want to make it a One player arcade type game so it submits the score after you die to a server like in shape shifters.

Possible (yes)
Lag >>>"(Supper)"<<< Yum FOOD is good :P
Multiplayer (doubt it)
Putting together (Very hard)

Good Luck
In response to Vermolius
while im on this post I might as well ask :P
Senormofo will you host BlessedLands?
In response to Green Lime
Green Lime wrote:
Hmmm O.o Very helpful arnt I :)
1st person shooter you say hmmm. Lag many I think that would be really hard to do but I think it could be done. Probley might want to make it a One player arcade type game so it submits the score after you die to a server like in shape shifters.

That made no sense, limey.

Possible (yes)

Of course.

Lag (Supper)

Not much lag.

Multiplayer (doubt it)

Ebonshadow did it.

Putting together (Very hard)


Good Luck
Well, they can do it on graphing calculators very well, so I'm sure it will be a bit easier in DM.