Well, I recently upgraded my battle system in Dragon Warrior: Terra Reborn (I recently started working on the game again, as a matter of fact). I now have a rather simple graphical setup, using screen objects, and a black background. I had a revalation about a way to display the battle's results. Something to the effect of having a html file, and adding the battles events as they happen, then refreshing the browser with the html file. This would be easy enough if you limited the amount of events displayed at once, and it would work good with the lack of battle spam (after all, how much spam can a your-turn my-turn RPG battle generate?) An example might look like this

*Big sword icon* Polatrite uses draw energy!
A lightning bolt streaks from the sky! *bolt icon*
*Acidic ball flying through the air* The slime hits Polatrite with an acid ball! (51)


Ideas on implementation?

Comments on design?

Meaningless wanderings of the mind?
DBTC uses turn-based battle...

I don't use the browser for visuals, though... Each turn output is displayed in the text area, along with a simple accompanying graphical animation on the screen...

The text output is limited to being displayed to the two fighters, plus any players who have used the Watch() verb to watch their fight... That way, anyone standing nearby isn't flooded with unwanted messages, and if two fights are occuring near each other, their messages aren't all running together...

I had tossed around the idea of using the browser for this purpose way back near the beginning of the coding for the battle system, but decided against it in favor of simplicity (read: I'm too lazy)

I like the way my system works, so I'm in no rush to start using browser output... But it sounds like a nice system...