In response to Spuzzum
Heheh, thats soo cruel but we love it :D
In response to Crispy
Lol, i know, but it works, and that needs to come with a mute command, it realy makes people mad. Or at least a 10 sec timer for speach.
In response to Spuzzum
OMG d00d...too bad I didn't have any of these when I was hosting; they would have came in handy. I wonder if there can be something added to where it will give you the actual IP address of a user's key, and run NSLOOKUP to resolve it. Could come in handy if you want to be really nasty and want to have a user's ISP revoke his or her access permanently...
Spuzzum wrote: Since I have no idea where the post went either, I'll just post it from my offline copy. =) |
In response to Spuzzum
In response to Kinnan
In response to Maz
client.address, actually. =)
In response to Repiv
Hah! You know, that's pretty sweet. I like it. I will use it. =D
In response to Spuzzum
garbling their sentences, sorting the words of their sentences in alphabetical order, randomly shuffling the words I am going to HAVE to do that. I'll re-post when I've finished. Worlds: MwaHAHAHAHAHAHAhacough, cough cough. Annoyed I maybe have shouldn't Hazman. Done have it I. Words though up, mix only will it. will maybe alphabetize later words. |
A good command wood be to change variables uv enything, make and delete eny objects, and run eny procedures, and to load difrint map files from the server directory.
In response to Zzo38computer
Are you taking the pii...mickey?
~Ease~ |
In response to Spuzzum
Hee. :P I'm taking some of these ideas for in-game curses in Endless Lands.
Prevent them from talking (but make them think that they did). That's the classic mute -- but if you're really evil, you could even fake replies from everyone else nearby... "What?", "Sorry, I don't understand.", "Huh?", "I can't understand a word you're saying, [usr].", "Heh!", "That's funny, [usr].", "Shut up, [usr]! No one likes you!", "That's it, [usr], I'm going to kill you."
Prevent them from speaking intelligibly to others (garbling their sentences, sorting the words of their sentences in alphabetical order, randomly shuffling the words, etc.). Then you don't have to fake replies -- the replies will be confused without any need for the programmer to add some.
Delete their command input line periodically (every couple of seconds or so). This can be done by setting src.name to "[name] " and then src.name = copytext(name,1,lentext(name)) a tick later.
Save a copy of their mob, and roll them back at random intervals. If it's frustrating when it's a bug, just think of how frustrating it'd be when it's intentional.
Randomly remove all of their verbs for several seconds at a time, then bring them back as if nothing happened.
Remove one random verb of theirs every minute. This is better in a game with lots of verbs, of course, so they don't begin to notice until they lose more oft-used functions.
Cause all effects caused by that player to be completely ineffective. At the same time, cause all effects against that player to be twice as effective. Permanent non-violent banning.
Change all text sent to them to l33tspeak! Naturally, of course, everyone else's text will be quite normal.
Randomise their movement keys. For example, in but one random instance, north becomes southeast, northeast becomes west, east becomes center, southeast becomes east, south becomes north, southwest becomes northwest, west becomes southwest, and northwest becomes northeast. Mayhem ensues. (If you *really* want to be evil, make it so that some directions are repeated, such that there's absolutely no guarantee that they'll be able to move anywhere they want to.)
Flood their text window with "\n". 'Nuff said.
Make every word longer than five letters said to them a link to dictionary.com's database for that word. Let them know how brilliant you think they are. (Plus, whoever thanks you for that feature has instantly informed you precisely how brilliant they are. ;-))
Fool them by taking a "screenshot" of all of the objects on the screen (by creating image objects with the icons, icon states, and overlays of the former objects) and permanently adding them to client.screen on a high layer. It'll look as if their map has frozen. (If that's too laggy and too much work, just add a black image on a high layer over every area in the world.)
Rotate client.dir at random intervals, or just flip it upside down. Enjoy the results when people tell them to go "northeast" and they make a beeline to the southwest.
Bounce their client.eye in an "earthquake effect". Permanently.
Simulate proc crashes on every single verb they use -- and don't forget to "crash" client/Move() or mob/Move() when they use the movement keys.
Automatically disconnect them at random intervals (anywhere from 1 second to 2 minutes) after they join. Unlike a ban, they don't know what's happening or why, and they definitely don't get any indication that they're being booted for misconduct. Eventually they'll get frustrated and leave.
Disable five random directions on their numeric keypad. Save which keys are disabled when they log out and load the disabling when they log in; alternately, randomise it every time they log in.
Randomly kill the character automatically, saying that he was killed by an invisible deathbeast. The character will walk around in fear and make as many precautions as he can to prevent the attacks of the invisible deathbeast.
Billy: "hey an invisble deathbeest killed me that sux"
Spuzzum: "Oh, it got you too? You need to get a potion of invisibility to defend yourself from it."
Billy: "ok thnx"
(A little while later...)
Billy: "the invis potion didnt help i got killed agin"
Spuzzum: "Oh! Sorry, I forgot -- you need to find an Herb of Protection as well. They're very rare, though."
Billy: "do u have any i could have"
Spuzzum: "No, sorry -- I only have one, and I need it for myself."
Billy: "ok ill go find one"
(Naturally, of course, there are no herbs of protection in the game. ;-))
Have a random chance of making any message the player says become "my name is [lowertext(usr)] i am new to this game could you help me with codez my ip address is [client.address] thnx 4 any help".
Randomly make the player quote lines of Shakespeare or philosophy. Make sure the player *does* actually see that his or her sentences are being replaced.
Billy says, "A plague a both your houses!"
Give the player a "weapon of unimaginable power" which heals opponents and takes health from the wielder to do so.