I want to make my second Library/Demo/Tutorial, but I have no honest clue on what to make. Does anyone have any ideas? I value your input. :p
I bet alot of you people know that I am no good when it comes to thinking up ideas. =P
Nov 29 2002, 11:55 am
Nov 29 2002, 11:57 am
Vehicles. I am very puzzled on how to do this effectively. Kapture by Ebonshadow had a bad ass system on Vehicles. But I can't mimic it :(
In response to Sariat
I think I'll go for it. Constant-movement or Step-by-step? And reverse movement or no reverse movement?
In response to Hanns
Hanns wrote:
I think I'll go for it. Constant-movement or Step-by-step? And reverse movement or no reverse movement? Both. |
In response to Sariat
Um, you lost me. =p
[EDIT] And what I mean is, Tanks-ish, or Racecar-ish? |
In response to Hanns
Wait... the movement is not so hard. What I meant was keeping the client.eye on the vehicle. Having a driver who manuvers the vehicle. And having passengers who can exit and stuff.
In response to Sariat
Ah, I see. Hm, I'll see what I can do..
[EDIT] Gah, not thinking, one way to keep the client.eye on it is mob/vehicle/Move() for(var/mob/M in world) if(M.vehicle == src) M.loc = locate(src.x,src.y,src.z) [EDIT2] Or, move the person to the Vehicle's contents, and have it move the client eye to the vehicle. That way, simply trying to move when in the vehicle would make you exit, unless coding states that as impossible. But then comes the question of driving. [EDIT3] Give the driver the exit verb. :P I dunno. Gah, my brain's very fizzed. |
In response to Sariat
Yeah, that's a pretty sweet system.
In response to JordanUl
I'll get coding that A.S.A.P. (Haven't started yet), and when done, I will release it for everyone's enjoyment. It'll prolly be another demo, because it'll already have everything setup. =P You'll just have to do the minor tweaks to fix it up with yer game.