If I were to create a single player Zelda Game like "Zelda:A Link to the Past" Would anyone play it?
As long as it were like a Zelda game as in it were semi long, had a decent story, and was easy but challenging at the same time I would.
Jermman wrote:
If I were to create a single player Zelda Game like "Zelda:A Link to the Past" Would anyone play it?

There used to be a game called Zelda Online but it was changed to Graal Online probably due to legal issues. But the game still feels pretty much the same. Anyway you can check it out at .
Not really.
if its harder than the Zeldas,yes.I find them way to easy.The only one I had a small challenge with was Oracle of Seasons, but I just got bored of it.Sure I would play it if it would be harder.
In response to Daemon5532
hhhmmmmmmm maybe i will do that then
In response to Theodis
o yea!i've seen that before. I dont like that trial thingy though.