What are your opinions on the possible cloning of ROM2.4 in DM format? I, for one, think the idea holds quite a bit of merit, as it would not only attract many mudders (who are in fact, some of the smartest, and most mature gamers around), but it would also generate some interest in creating text muds. After all, who wouldn't love text mud code in an EASY format? I know I'd like it.
Polatrite wrote:
What are your opinions on the possible cloning of ROM2.4 in DM format? I, for one, think the idea holds quite a bit of merit, as it would not only attract many mudders (who are in fact, some of the smartest, and most mature gamers around), but it would also generate some interest in creating text muds. After all, who wouldn't love text mud code in an EASY format? I know I'd like it.

Yeah that would be cool I play Circle and ROM type MUDs and it's always fun trying to make a bot :).
Well, my opinion is that it's even easier to make one from scratch. Converting C to DM is like converting Japanese to English -- stuff is lost in the translation.
In response to Spuzzum
"Converting C to DM is like converting Japanese to English -- stuff is lost in the translation."

Translates to (thanks, !)

"To C of conversion it seems like English conversion from direct mail Japanese... the raw materials are lost with translation."

Guess you were right....
In response to Spuzzum
Features would be shifted as necessary, and the saving, loading and (non-standard) OLC would be changed to suit BYOND better. Do you think this would be a positive thing to focus my efforts into, however?

[EDIT] This is more of a community popularity assisting effort, than a personal project. Although if I do get it working well, I will start a mud with it.
In response to Spuzzum
I agree with Spuzzum. If you want to add the same features as ROM2.4, that's fine. However, the programming design of ROM2.4 trades BYOND's memory handling for more instances and overall is just not modular enough. In my mind, that's what makes ROM2.4 ROM2.4.

Some ROM2.4 designs are not quite suitable for DM. For example, linked lists are used for effects, but DM will only allow a certain number of list instances. Either effects would have to be relatively limited or they would need to be redesigned.

However, I think a larger problem is that ROM2.4 gets a bit messy. If you are using a language with object-oriented programming, you might as well use objects. Changing one object definition is probably a lot easier than having to edit a bunch of files just to add a skill. (I was doing this sort of thing constantly about a year ago.) Also, the table system (used for spells, skills, classes, flags, etc.), would be rather useless in DM. The information could be stored in the objects themselves rather than a table linking information to a function.
In response to ACWraith
This wouldn't be an exact port, but the face would be the same. This means I would essentially be using the same command interface as rom2.4, with the same look and overall functionality. Same basis of D&D 2nd edition. All the internal components would be modified to suit BYOND, however. One of the only things I think I would have problems with is simulating the lag from rom, unless I just did it as a prompt effect with a cache of commands.