any one whant to make a game were you click to move ? and can attack when click.....also make guilds that can make cityes or you can make a city your self is your a Pesent class you can have bows if your a acher only no arrows needed tho and warroirs swords shield armor and make wizards
other things to lice Druids that can Charm bears and stuff make it so you can make pets from spell componets and get pets from NPC in the game Have quests and make weapon minning skill armor skill and lots of other things like makeing jewly from magic rocks or reg rockes enchanted
also make places to kill dont just kill any place maybe
like caves ect... i will try and get a host for the game or host it my self to i its a hit

please help by giving apoines on skill armor weapon tips pffer help i need HELP to make this im a new coder i can get us icons though and if you need any thing icon type i can code a little to thank you tell me what you think please and is its bad let it go but no insults just the ups and dows thank you