In response to Volte
Volte wrote:
But what exactly do you mean, and how would I handle such thing?


Perhaps like this...

usr << "You see footprints made in the dust on the ground, and hear the sound of trickling water nearby."
var/this_choice = input("What do you say?") as msg in list(
"Hmm, I guess nobody's home...",
"Hmm, I guess I've got company",
"He-LOOOOO? Anybody HOME?",
"(Say Nothing)")
if("Hmm, I guess nobody's home...")
[do stuff if the player says this]
if("Hmm, I guess I've got company")
[do stuff if the player says this]
etc. etc. etc.
In response to Cybermattr
Cybermattr wrote:
Volte wrote:
But what exactly do you mean, and how would I handle such thing?


Perhaps like this...

usr << "You see footprints made in the dust on the ground, and hear the sound of trickling water nearby."
var/this_choice = input("What do you say?") as msg in list(
"Hmm, I guess nobody's home...",
"Hmm, I guess I've got company",
"He-LOOOOO? Anybody HOME?",
"(Say Nothing)")
if("Hmm, I guess nobody's home...")
[do stuff if the player says this]
if("Hmm, I guess I've got company")
[do stuff if the player says this]
etc. etc. etc.

Uh... you missed the boat bigtime. This isn't 2nd-person descriptions we're talking about, but a 3rd-person story. I was referring more to the output of Say() being like this:
verb/Say(msg as text)
// parse msg to take out a period at the end and put in a comma
world << "\"[msg]\" [NameOrPronoun(src)] said."

Lummox JR
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