(See the best response by Pirion.)

Problem description:

Do objects created at compile time cause processor problems? And what's the difference from dynamically placing objects during run time in the map, in terms of processor and memory strain??
Do objects created at compile time cause processor problems?

Processor problems? I'm pretty sure the answer is no, unless I'm misunderstanding the question.

And what's the difference from dynamically placing objects during run time in the map, in terms of processor and memory strain??

new() inherently has a little overhead (iirc), but it is not something you would notice (unless misused); it is nothing to worry about.
Best response
objects created at runtime take time to execute - simple as. If you want to create a new map and populate it while players are playing - it is going to take longer to do if you don't want the game to seem "laggy" because you'll want to sleep the function calls to allow the remainder of the game continue.