For probably the third time I have mentioned this on the forum: Ensya is hosted. Just goto byond://digitalbyond.dyndns.org:3003
/me wants to see the rogue like thing.
As I offered earlier if you want Four Winds to try feel free to say. =D |
RuneScape, in my experience, was horrible! I absolutely despised that game and any spawn of it...
Anyway, Foomer, I loved Ensya how it was, but you're right: there wasn't much to do! Like another poster said, minigames such as Chess or Cards or even simplistic Dice games would be awesome, and maybe have some sort of political system where the players actually have some sort of control over the game world. I've always loved that kind of stuff. By the way, check out A Tale in the Desert! It's got no combat and is based on mastering the arts in ancient Egypt. Pretty cool. You'd probably love it. |
I don't know how you are with text based games but if you want some good ideas I suggest you play http://www.achaea.com Achaea- Dreams of Divine Lands. That is a great Rpg. The world is huge, guilds have ranks and storys behind them and things of the such and leaders and all that. You'll understand once you play the game. But yeah, I think playing that may help some.
Resonating Light |
Jdawg Phatyo wrote:
RuneScape, in my experience, was horrible! I absolutely despised that game and any spawn of it... Actually, the in depth of Runescape is just slightly better than most games ove seen on BYOND. I just got bored of RS. By the way, check out A Tale in the Desert! It's got no combat and is based on mastering the arts in ancient Egypt. Pretty cool. You'd probably love it. Try Kemet thats pretty much like it. |
I got fed up with Achaea when the guild I selected expected me to roleplay as a character contrary to my personal beliefs.
I find the whole game very interesting -- plus it has a fairly equal male-to-female population ratio -- but having to jump through OOC hoops to join a guild (since there is no other way to play the game; going solo is absolutely fruitless) made me steer way clear. |
http://jove.prohosting.com/~ensya/Roguelike/ RoguelikeSamples.htm