![]() Jul 19 2003, 7:12 pm
What kind of RPG battle system do people like to see? I'm kind of debating wether to do turn based or free-attack. What are your thought on this subject.
Turn based is good, but it can sometimes delay the game.
If you do real-time, then put in an auto-attack feature; Living and Dead has a good example of this. That way people with slow connections, or who hit a lag spike, aren't disadvantaged as much. |
I've always preferred turn-based attacking in RPGs, at least in single-player RPGs where there is a lot of freedom instead of just being given a list of options (like in the Final Fantasy games or the Dragon Warrior games.) But, yeah, turn-based is better in my book, especially in BYOND where usually speed is not on your side. I haven't seen a game on BYOND yet that has decent real-time combat, and all of the ones that have turn-based combat have been the "option" type where you are presented with some options which are usually "attack", "flee", "item", and "magic."
Fallout 1 and its sequel had very free turn-based systems, and something with that type of system would most likely breathe life into the now-stale RPG genre on BYOND. Although, it does seem that players do enjoy these option-based combat systems, looking at the popularity of the Dragon Warrior games on BYOND, and the overall popularity of Final Fantasy throughout the world. |
Ok, it looks like I'm going to incorporate a turn-based system, but that leaves me with one question: If this game was to be a multi-player game, how would I go about having a "battle-world" for each player?
Two schools of thought here.
School A, the easy one: You create 200 battle-zones and just throw players in empty ones when they fight. Works pretty well but you run the risk of not having any empty battle-zones and causing errors. Personally I dont like it. School B, the hard one: You create a run-time map generator. Basically you just expand world.maxz by one, creating a new blank Z level, and then have the proc place turfs on it, then send the player too it. There are a few libaries out there that will do these things for you, take a look at how they work and you should be able to build your own. |
what do you think of a process where each player is given their own z level, with an area like:
area/[whoever] |
Their own z level is probably going to be way too big. Remember the maxx and maxy values of the biggest map determine how big each z level is.
So if I have a 10x10 map and a 100x100 map, when I compile the 10x10 map becomes 100x100, it just shows up as a 10x10 because the rest is blank. |
So if I have a 10x10 map and a 100x100 map, when I compile the 10x10 map becomes 100x100, it just shows up as a 10x10 because the rest is blank. Actually, it shows up as a 100x100; you can walk across the black turfs freely. If you set world/turf to a specific type of turf, the areas of the map that aren't filled in by the DMP will be flooded with world/turf. |
Its also rarer which helps your game stick out.