(See the best response by Stephen001.)

I'm sure because of the other post containing information about the recent shenanigans on RPU this one will get noticed too; in a rather short amount of time, I bet.

The BYOND staff may not care or have direct power to handle this, but I believe something should be at least said or done to contain outbursts like this. As Anthony said, there are underaged people that participate in role-playing on RPU- If such a thing is true, would it not also be true that Anthony- The hub owner and original content creator of RPU should NOT be bashing people openly on the discussion taking place on RPU's hub? In the image above you can clearly see him spewing profanity and cursing out Gyro Gun, even almost defaming the BYOND staff themselves to some extent (but for the most part was avoided it seems).

I don't know about you, but I would personally not want underaged children taking a look at one of the most active hubs on BYOND with a constant high player count to see somebody in his position spewing profanity and setting a bad example for the website overall. Quite personally, it's reasons like this why I don't donate, which don't take me wrong I'd love too; but the necessity of donating to the BYOND website sort of falls out of my priority range if it's going to keep the website running only to extend the lifespan of something that's owner can go onto the hub and publicly bash someone with the usage of foul language.
Best response
Excepting cases of mass spam, obvious pornography etc, BYOND staff do not get involved in comment sections of hubs, hub forums, or member comment sections.

Unlike they main forums here, hub forums and comment sections are largely left to the developer in question to police themselves, as it is their game.

BYOND's primary concern with hub entries from an enforcement standpoint is legal requirement, essentially. If there are DMCA requests from copyright holders, that's a legal requirements issue. If there is pornography in the content, that's a legal requirements issue.

Mass spam is handled largely due to the service interrupting nature of it. That is, a hub entry comment section cannot function usefully as a place users exchange words, if it's 90% spam.

An exchange of words between users, (particularly this one), isn't in and of itself, a legal requirements issue, I'm afraid. If you are not particularly in agreement with how the hub is handled, then your best course of action is to vote with your feet, and not visit the hub entry in question (or presumably, play the game).
In response to Stephen001
Stephen001 wrote:
Excepting cases of mass spam, obvious pornography etc, BYOND staff do not get involved in comment sections of hubs, hub forums, or member comment sections.

Thank you for the reply- Alright, I understand, it was somewhat confusing that a hub owner is allowed to openly trash talk people.
While obviously it would be preferable if they didn't do so, intervention by BYOND staff would constitute an involvement by BYOND in game-specific matters. That is pretty much the opposite of BYOND's policy, and indeed, administrative design. I can think of more than a few sub-communities that would take objection to that, and I doubt it would be a good move for BYOND staff either.

This is perhaps part of the misunderstanding the developer has regarding servers on their hub, also. The developer owns their game, certainly. With that, they own the policing of how they distribute their game, how they police servers, and how they police the sub-community that surrounds their game. BYOND provides a few tools to practically assist in that, but people's requirements vary and they must implement what they need. Unfortunately it seems they didn't take appropriate steps in building mechanisms of enforcement to match their enforcement desires, and have asked BYOND to intercede to make up that shortfall. By policy we don't get involved in sub-community matters.

Being this reflects my hub, and seeing the code banned player posted it here, after threatening me on pager. I had a lack in judgement being I was given bad information at the time on the goals of Byond. This being I was told that owners and hosts didn't have rights to there property.

At the time I was not in full mind and had a slip and I apologize for that. The point of the matter was bringing up how a player and do what your saying with pictures of him violating himself. Though my hub was locked down over some kids in the forum using curse world. I felt it was unfair in the matter and broke.

Like said I apologize for this public out cry and retracted it making my own hub more secure. I am sorry this had to become an annoyance to the staff. This will be seen as the player is threatening me to unban his code being his own violations to the system. As well as using Alt Keys to by pass the hub forum to keep this attack up. I felt I needed help and seeing I got what I did. I moved on to protect myself.

Seeing this posted by an alt key of the player. I see the threat went through. Hopefully this will be locked and end this little mess before it gets out of hand to all of Byond. Being on a personal level I see it sad someone would go to this extent trying to ruin another persons creation because they broke the games rules.

Though in closing the post as seen was a fault. I am sorry and give the community and staff my humblest apology for my actions. This following as well for the action by this player.

Thank you for your time
-Anthony Hawkina
Thank you for apologizing AnthonyHawkina. All is forgiven, but please watch your language in the future. & Of course a player would use an alt key, practically even speaking out against you is enough to get them 'codebanned' from your game.
Naw, People speak out against my actions all the time. Gyro was banned for harassing the player base, trying to crash servers, and mainly looking to to kill RP Unlimited. Like it was some crusade.

See it is stuff like this,

Why you get code banned, being the player did not want to be named or helped in this matter. Though the harassing player for playing my game get old. Making a webpage just to show up upset you, is kind of sad. I just feel insults like this are unwarranted to my player base and Byond.

Seeing these attacks are continuing and the page is there. I doubt I will ever un-codeban a player of this caliber just because this seems to violate not only my personal information but the Byond TOS.

Like said I don't know why Pyro you can put things like a webpage up about Eternal Saga that flame and insult my personal life. Though the About RP Unlimited was blocked being people spamming it while I was on vacation and cleaned up the offense.

This why I posted this rant honestly, being I felt that this violated the Byond TOS. Just seeing it wasn't well, I will move on. Requested you do as well.
I can personally vouch for Gyro being a bit of a nuisance on RPU itself, especially now that he's been trying to involve outside sources to 'attack' such a game that he's somehow grown to despise due to him being codebanned for lack of following the rules.

Said rules that blatantly pop up IMMEDIATELY after you join any new server, so it's merely neglecting to read those rules and not any fault of Anthony's for the ban.

And even though Encyclopedia Dramatica may seem 'harmless' at first but it has been known to have rather unfavorable people there who would do anything for cheap internet 'lulz'. Including possible hacking. So the fact that Gyro went out of his way to include a Byond game on that site as a page is literally inviting possible hacking attempts on the game and thus likely violating the TOS badly, and should be dealt with accordingly.

That's not even getting into the internet bullying issue, but that's a rant for another time. That's all I have to say, and I hope you take this into consideration as to how you're going to deal with such a matter.
Been around for a while I can an attest to the fact that anthony doesn't codeban just anyone, in my experiance, i've seen him look into the cases personally where someone could be potentially codebanned.
I guess we're done here, thank you, all.
In response to Stephen001
Stephen001 wrote:
This is perhaps part of the misunderstanding the developer has regarding servers on their hub, also. The developer owns their game, certainly. With that, they own the policing of how they distribute their game, how they police servers, and how they police the sub-community that surrounds their game. BYOND provides a few tools to practically assist in that, but people's requirements vary and they must implement what they need. Unfortunately it seems they didn't take appropriate steps in building mechanisms of enforcement to match their enforcement desires, and have asked BYOND to intercede to make up that shortfall. By policy we don't get involved in sub-community matters.

The way I see it some of byond's tools also get in the way of policing the hub(Such as the friend-only setting for the dream daemon-- The owner cant do much about it other then force everyone to update. And with RPU people treat it like its updating facebook for some reason.)

That said, With things going on I have to take Anthony's side on this, Being its one side blowing things out of proportion at this point, and its NOT him. While he did have a small outburst; he apologized and retracted the post from his hub essentially--- Before this whole thing started, I think. (I didn't see the post itself, I just saw an image of it. So theres that.)