Branks wrote:
RaeKwon wrote: We've been re doing the entire game for the past 2 months or so. So yes, there will be new tiles and sprites. :) RaeKwon |
Mrhat99au wrote:
This time please dont try to lose the source code or the resources. Bah, I've outgrown my insaneness. :-P, I back everything up on CD once a week. So hopefully that helps. Heheh RaeKwon |
RaeKwon wrote:
We've been re doing the entire game for the past 2 months or so. So yes, there will be new tiles and sprites. :) Good stuff man, nice move. |
To be honest. I'm sick of Zeta rips. It's the same damned thing everytime. People release their games, saying, OH NOT ZETA RIP PLZ PLZPLZPLZ TRY THIS GM FOR U. It's pathetic. The people who release these so called 'original dragonball games' mostly haven't even bothered to change the Zeta credits, let alone the mapping or modding the code. If you're going to make a Dragonball Z game make it from scratch. Try and make something different to Zeta. When I first started byond and played the original Zeta, yeah I enjoyed it. But the theme of DBZ has been spoiled by all the would-be.. no.. all the wannabe 'programmers' and thieves that have just literally, released someone elses work. That just sucks. I know how it feels as a programmer to go through all that time to make a game, just to have some idiot release it to the public when you bestowed them with your trust.
These rips? Have got to stop. They're not enjoyable to play, and give Dbz on BYOND a bad name.