Nov 10 2003, 9:42 am
The problem with the Gauntlet here on BYOND was that is was a game that depended on speed and timeing which BYOND is bad at. I'm Going to make a standalone version for all the people who told me that they enjoyed the game. Any suggestions on what I should Add or implement?
In response to Kujila
Isn't there a way to make you game an executable? I thought there was, but I can't seem to find anything about it at the moment. That's standalone in a way I guess.
In response to Jnco904
Yes, but it just makes it so that if they don't have BYOND installed it downloads it and installs it.
In response to DarkView
That's what I figured, but what's so bad about that. :P
In response to Jnco904
Well, the main reason he's making a standalone version has nothing to do with like or dislike of incorporating it into BYOND and vice-versa... I believe he's just trying to make an action game with more than 10 discernible quanta of time per second.
I'm guessing you're planning on creating your new version with an alternative method, such as C++, Visual Basic, or one of the dozens of other game-creating programs (RPGMAKER, The Games Factory, Game Maker, etc). Am I correct?
Will BYOND 4.0 offer standalone capabilities?