GRR! Forum screwed up and ate my last message!

What do you guys think about the "RPGs" on BYOND, you know, like SEIKA, Battle of Evermore, Fenrir's Apocalyps, etc? I think these games only breed hatred, and their only attept at being a game is giving the player levels and stuff to hit.

Any comments, sentiments, suggestions, etc? I just want to get a general feeling, I'm thinking about experimenting with a game like this, trying to find the right balance and security measures to weed out problem players... Mabey making character progression hard, and making there be no GMs...
I think the RPG's on byond need more options. Role playing is mainly about playing your character as a role. If your a combative fighter and you go around killing beast as a job then a simple battle system with where you kill monsters all day would be nice. Just as long as a story plot or RP goes along with it. But if your a baker then your probley not going to be killing to much monsters while your in play. How ever how much amusement could some one get baking somthing all day in a bakers shop. Thats were the RP comes in.

From my observing of RPGs there are two kinds. First which is where the Player makes up and RPs his/her character with out much help from the game. The second would be automated by the game and the player would RP along with it. The second kind is one I would much more prefer , because its less limited. More injoyable to the player because they don't really know how the rp will end up. On the other hand when they make up the story and RP they know whats going to happen. it just adds a little more mystery to the game.

As ive been told a Quest library has been made (see for more details). This would be a great starting place to a prommising RPG. It could allow a more automated sytstem for the RP or at least start the game out on one.

Hope the info above gives you some knowledge. Sorry for the misspellings above. My comp lags when ever I post on the forum so i dont have to much time to check them.
In response to Green Lime
Quest systems are cheese and crackers, but making interactive NPCs is something I see that needs to be done. YOu know, where each NPC has their own disposition to the player, and certain triggers will raise/lower these.

It IS possible, but requires a little forethought and a TON of code...
Ter13 wrote:
GRR! Forum screwed up and ate my last message!

What do you guys think about the "RPGs" on BYOND, you know, like SEIKA, Battle of Evermore, Fenrir's Apocalyps, etc? I think these games only breed hatred, and their only attept at being a game is giving the player levels and stuff to hit.

Any comments, sentiments, suggestions, etc? I just want to get a general feeling, I'm thinking about experimenting with a game like this, trying to find the right balance and security measures to weed out problem players... Mabey making character progression hard, and making there be no GMs...

Wait, I'm "I'm thinking abuot experimenting with a game like this" do you mean a game like the ones that "only breed hatred, and their only attept at being a game is giving the player levels and stuff to hit.", or are you talking in general about rpgs? I'm assuming the latter, since most people try to avoid creating games they'd hate. But what sort of rpg exactly are you thinking about creating? RPGS are used to describe everything from Angband and Diablo to ADND and other pnp games. From MUDS to first-person 3d MMORPGS. Some RPGS try to create fun new combat systems, others try to pull away from combat in preference to crafts or diplomacy or character development and plot. Some are static worlds with only a background others are dynamic with an ongoing storyline. I'm sure we'd all be happy to contribute comments, sentiments, suggestions, etc. I'm just a little confused on what I'm commenting, sentimentizing, suggesting, and et ceteraing about. RPG is a fairly broad category
In response to Luap
Actually, I was talking about the "bad" kind, so I can figure a way out to balance easy useage, player interactivity, player entertainment, and balanced gameplay, and thus create a gem out of a piece of coal. Just as an experiment, not as a serious project or anything.
In response to Ter13
Well Iam trying to make one of the first byond rpgs with a story line in it and stuff to make you wanna play but there are so many problems with that so its kinda hard to make a MMORPG that good.. Like for example ive tried to make plenty of cut scenes they work fine but when online and multiple people watch it doesnt work to well..They should make in the next version of byond some sort of system to help in making a cutscene viewable by all!
In response to Darkfirewolf5
that would make the BYOND system completely different.

With the current technology, it is not very well possible.


(Oh, yeah, other games have had stories.)
In response to Ter13
thats why I said "One of the first games on byond with a story"
In response to Darkfirewolf5
ahhh.... good retort, well, a lot have not really had "Stories" so much as comprehensive backgrounds and a basic set of quests to complete...
Ter13 wrote:
GRR! Forum screwed up and ate my last message!

What do you guys think about the "RPGs" on BYOND, you know, like SEIKA, Battle of Evermore, Fenrir's Apocalyps, etc? I think these games only breed hatred, and their only attept at being a game is giving the player levels and stuff to hit.

Any comments, sentiments, suggestions, etc? I just want to get a general feeling, I'm thinking about experimenting with a game like this, trying to find the right balance and security measures to weed out problem players... Mabey making character progression hard, and making there be no GMs...

As a genre, I think "psuedo RPGs" are pretty entertaining, but I'm speaking in a general sense here; I haven't been much impressed by BYOND's crop of them. The main key to making them work is to keep the tactical model as engaging as possible; if the combat boils down to "Well, I'm higher level, so I win", then there really isn't much point.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:

Sure they are. I could set up a massive multiplayer infrastructure in about 2 hours. Furthermore, it would lag about as much as the standard game does nowadays.
In response to Leftley
I totally agree, I see characters in so much more depth than level, I think that certain abilities and tactics should overpower certain other abilities and tactics, and the player with the best tactical execution as well as raw power should win. Whereas most games if you pit a fighter-type against a spellcaster-type, the spellcaster wins no holds barred, I think that spellcasters or fighters should have an equal chance at victory so long as the spellcaster is not caught unawares.

But this also is the reason I dislike these type of games, I like games where you fight to survive, not to level up, or be the best. Like the BYOND DBZ games, they could be so much better if some of the emphasis was taken away from combat, and put more on real-life activites, like in the series, a lot of the fighters only trained for the Technaki Budokai, and in between these times, they had to live normal lives, or find a living. Some chose to use their strength to entertain, others chose to sequester themselves from society, so that they may focus on their training, and that the fight for survival might make them stronger. Hell, some even got jobs doing construction work!

Anyway, what I'm saying is that even in the most one-track games, some depth can be added just to keep the players from rioting, and eventually destroying the player/environment interactive balance. Also, I think that problem players and power players should be weeded out, via either a slow-character progression, or a trusted group of administrators.

I remember the old days in Blessed lands, I hit my stat cap, and got bored, so started killing players, I had my hide skill maxed out and my sword combat at max too, so naturally, they died before they ever saw me. The thing is, I do not usually behave like this, I hit max level in the course of 36 hours, even including offline time! This game had no depth, and was very small, so I got bored and eventually quit, but the moral of the story is: There is no end to character progression, make some way for players to always have a challenge.

There was this one game, Mystic realms of Alhanzar, where there was this quest that upgraded two of your stats, but started you off at level 1 again, and you had to be level 30 to start it. This ensured that players never got bored.

I think someone should make a game, where as players got to high levels, they could start gathering armies, and a little strategy-battle thing would be unlocked, and the players could parade their armies through towns, etc, or even take over towns, and become a reputable king, or an evil tyrant! This would keep it interesting, and could possibly cause problems for low-level players (being taxed extrememly high, kiled just for the sheer thrill of it, etc.) But, for the most part, some way could be devised that no one could be TOO bad.
In response to Polatrite
really, can you explain this to me? I am very interested, does it involve multiple host-worlds?
Ter13 wrote:
I think these games only breed hatred, and their only attept at being a game is giving the player levels and stuff to hit.

I think bad player management causes this. You'll notice that most games end up a bad playing environment because the people in charge give up keeping players in line.
Mind you, keeping players in line is no easy task, especially at a place where so many games encourage bad behavour.
It's like building a house in a bad part of town.
In response to DarkView
You forgot to mention GMs, I think the expansion of your metaphor should go as thus:

...and then handing out the keys to the toughest gang in town...
In response to Ter13
Multiple host-worlds have a slight problem. You currently cannot force a player to go from one of the game's worlds to another. They are asked if they wish to go(unless they changed their Dream Seeker settings from the default).
In response to Jon88
Yes, we need some kind of a very strategic battle system in the games, so that the stronger person doesnt win as much. Like the RPG Abyss Dragon was making, from the screen shots I saw the battle system actually looked like a weaker player could win by his smarts.

Also, I think it would be a good idea for when you reach a certain level or strength, you should be able to make a army and take over a town and become king. Then, you could tax the people and ect. This feature in a RPG could possibly make it a longer time before a player will get bored of a game and start killing people randomly. Another good idea is to add to this is to take away some of the power of a "king" by not letting them attack players under level 80 or something like this.

And then you have to think that a person wouldnt always be training and getting into fights, they have to eat and have a job, so they hunt, but some games like sieka have tried this and have then added a low level spell that makes food appear any time any where.So, this has destroyed the purpose. New games like Metal Gear Solid 3 and Metal Gear Solid Online for the PS2 may have fixed this problem, but that is only because there is no such thing as magic in those games.Heh.

In conclusion I would just like to say that these are some things that a rpg needs, but have failed or not have been done before on byond. It would make it more enjoyable. longer, and have a point. I mean, what is the point of a game if its just the bigger guys wins........

This is just my opinions, I hope i don't get flamed.

Please excuse my bad english, grammar, or spelling.

Thank You,
In response to Nave
Well, I think the problem with seika is that they try to make it so that everyone can do everything.

You see, it would be hard for a fighter-type to learn spells, but not impossible. This is why i suggest circumstance penalties, or making certain things harder for certain players. You see, if a woodsman is using a create food spell, instead of hunting, that's his own business, but what's he going to do with all that time he used to spend hunting? That's why you make hunting more like combat, so it's fun, rather than a chore.
In response to Ter13

That's why you make hunting more like combat, so it's fun, rather than a chore.

Ah, the Mary Poppins school of game design:

"Just a bucket full of blood helps the medicine go down..."
In response to Hedgemistress
...Well, look, we aren't talking "real" roleplaying games, as a matter of fact, I thouroughly enjoyed Hedgerow. This is about Pseudo-Roleplaying games, so of course your players are going to be bloodthirsty. (And since when is hunting for survival evil?)
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