In response to Ter13
And Lexy, I did not capitolize wicca or satanism, because to capitolize these would be to recognize thm as valid religions, and I do not capitolize "god", so why would I capitolize "satan"? I only capitolize christianity out of habit.

Capitalisation is absolute. I capitalise God and refer to Him in capital letters, but I don't believe He exists.
In response to Spuzzum
Even so, capitalization does not make something a religion or a god, just a proper noun.
In response to Ter13
that humans are weak, fragile beings, just huddled in the dark looking for a way to justify their petty little, insignificant lives.

That's more or less what I said, only you act like it's a bad thing... and as others noted, I'm not commenting on respect or disrespect for a religion, or the reality of Satan as an individual, entity, or force... merely on the fact that you choose to capitalize a common noun and not capitalize proper ones (isn't it weird how it all comes back to capitalization?)... for the record, whether you believe in something's existence or validity has no bearing on properness as a noun... atheism is still a common noun and Transflargarianism would be a proper one, if such a religion "existed."
In response to Wolf01
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