Hey all! Your favorite Super Hero game maker is back with another question!

What kind of super powers you want to see? I know the basics (flight and stuff...).

Just suggest them to me, and describe them.


Steel skin, insta camo, in sight teleportation. Thats all i can think of at the moment.
In response to Scoobert
Teleportation will be in, as well as different types of armor(skins, whatever.) For insta camo, what exactly do you mean?

In response to Tiko
Hmm, these are super powers I can think of:

Super Strength
Animal Telepahty
Water Breathing
PSI (psionics)
Super Speed
Time munlaption
Doppleganger (stealing forms, ect)
Giant Form (grow insalnly huge)
Liquid Body
Laser Eyes
Fire Breath
Acid Blood
Radioactive Aura
Forms of Elements
Forms of Animals
See in the dark
Control of Nature

Ill post some more if I think of them...
1)Danger Sense
Senses when danger is near. (same as spider mans spider-sense)
Makes it so no one can see you, duh.
Take Control of someones body.
4)Mind Read
Read peoples minds. (it could show their weaknesses)
5)Shape Shift
Take the shape of a person or object.
6)X-Ray Vision
See trough stuff
7)Power over metal(Magnet)
Push or pull metal stuff.
8)No density
Walk trough stuff.
9)Control over a element.
Use of fire/air/earth/ice.
10)Super Speed
Fast as a speeding bullet!
11)Auto health regain
Like wolverine has.
Adds resistance to some things (ex. Fire/Ice)
13)Object to Bomb
The skill gambit has.
14)Astral Projection
Move out of your body
Move objects with your mind
Move/walk on walls
17)Power Theft
Take the powers of another Superhero

I will add to this list as i think of more
In response to Tiko
Like being able to blend in with surroundings on the fly, but it would not really hide the person, just make them harder to see.
In response to Repiv
Repiv wrote:
1)Danger Sense
Senses when danger is near. (same as spider mans spider-sense)
Makes it so no one can see you, duh.
Take Control of someones body.
4)Mind Read
Read peoples minds. (it could show their weaknesses)
5)Shape Shift
Take the shape of a person or object.
6)X-Ray Vision
See trough stuff
7)Power over metal(Magnet)
Push or pull metal stuff.
8)No density
Walk trough stuff.
9)Control over a element.
Use of fire/air/earth/ice.
10)Super Speed
Fast as a speeding bullet!
11)Auto health regain
Like wolverine has.
Adds resistance to some things (ex. Fire/Ice)
13)Object to Bomb
The skill gambit has.
14)Astral Projection
Move out of your body
Move objects with your mind
Move/walk on walls
17)Power Theft
Take the powers of another Superhero

I will add to this list as i think of more

14)Astral Projection

These are skills gained by beaing a good student of Psionics. Or trained in the Art of PSI.

If youd like to learn more check this out:

At first when you read it, youll prolly laugh your ass off. But in reality if you think about it, the human body is made up of alot of evergy. If someone could harrness it, it would be outstanding.

I know a group of people Im under tottleage right now from my high school, Im praticing meditation right now. I accidently went under in Walmart while waiting for a friend, someone thought I was retarded. Then I snapped out of it and scared the hell out of them.(youd have to really be there like me and a few people were to laugh about it)

Anyways.. sorry for going off topic there a bit, but when you love a hobby so much... You know what I mean. :)
Ten worst super-powers of all time. This includes only actual super powers that actual non-throw-away characters were given for actual non-comic-relief purposes:

Sonic Scream (Black Canary II). Ditto for Banshee Cries (Banshee and Siryn) or Lunatic Laughs (Green Goblin III). "What's your power?" "I yell really loud."

Aquatic Communication (Aquaman). Could occasionally be useful... but rendered stupid by the necessity of twisting the plot to make it constantly useful enough to justify its inclusion.

Water Breathing (Aquaman, Namor the Sub-Mariner). See "Aquatic Communication." Worse, most water breathers weaken and die when out of water... so how is this even a superpower? That's like saying breathing air is a superpower and water is your weakness.

Self-Replication (Multiple Man). Most replicators don't have any other superpowers, and worse, they usually have some kind of psychic link where if one of the dupes die, they suffer massive trauma at the least. So instead of being one liability in a power battle, they're twenty.

Plasticity and Elongation (The Elongated Man, Mr. Fantastic, and far too many to name). This power is good only for sight gags and dirty jokes.

Protective Aura. Ever wonder why Superman's costume doesn't burn or tear, even when he's in the middle of an explosion or fire? The official explanation is that he has a biological forcefield that extends his invulnerability a few micrometers beyond his kin. This is why he wears tights. Yeah, it's a handy power to have... but imagine if this was your only power.

Super Insomnia. Seriously. Malibu Comics used to have this guy named Night Man, whose sleep center was destroyed by a piece of radioactive streetcar shrapnel lodged in his brain. He could stay awake forever without dying or going insane. His other power, the ability to "hear evil thoughts", was at least marginally useful, if you're already inclined to thwart evil.

Tactile Telekinesis. Superboy (DC/PC) has this one. Actually pretty useful the way it plays out... it's the concept that sounds stupid. The ability to move things by touching them? Hey, you know, I think I might have this one.

Precognitive Telepathy. There was a guy in a Birds of Prey comic who was so pointless not even I remember his name. He was psychic, but he couldn't read thoughts and he couldn't predict events. He predicted thoughts.

Shrinking. Look at it this way... when have they ever made a movie about someone getting shrunk that portrayed being a fraction of an inch tall as being an end worth striving for? Some shrinkers are able to maintain their full human strength, as if "human strength" were something special, but this power sucks so badly that no one just shrinks. Ant-Man can control insects (a power which would merit inclusion on this list if insects weren't such an abundant resource on this planet), the Atom can control his density while shrunk, the Wasp can fly and shoot electric bursts, etc.
In response to Hedgemistress
"Tactile Telekinesis"

Wouldn't that just be, you know, Kinesis?

I guess it just sounds less impressive.
In response to Garthor
Wouldn't that just be, you know, Kinesis?

I was -this- close to including that line in my post, but I figured that combined with the "I think I have this one, too" would be a little too much like a bad stand-up comic running too many riffs on the same subject.
Here are a few categories that I think would be pretty helpful to generate an array of ideas from.

*Material Manipulation
The ability to manipulate a certain material. (Eg. Magneto manipulates metal, Pyro manipulates fire... etc)
*Self metamorphasis
The ability to change your body into a certain material. (Eg. Colossus can change his skin into metal , The human torch can turn his body into fire... etc) This could also deal with other transformations like the Lizard man.
*Abnormal Attributes
Having superior strength, dexterity...etc. (Eg. Just think of Superman or the Flash... etc)
*Floating or Flight
The ability to float or fly. (Eg. Superman again, or you can think of the Archangel, hawk man/girl etc...)
*Size alteration
The ability to make yourself grow/shrink or to make something else grow/shrink. (Eg. That indian dude from the old justice league or the Atom... etc) *This would be useful in escape or increasing one's abilities.
<small>*Growing could also make statistics grow, and shrinking could make the hero very difficult to catch*</small>
*Esp and other mind related powers
This can be a whole bunch of things, either forewarning of danger (Spidey sense), Telekinesis, Possession or other mental powers such as illusions.
This can also be very useful for escaping a rough situation, or getting to one quicker.

If you mix and match these it should help even more.
