
Half the game ate itself the other night, with the result being a restore from backup.
On a positive note, the commerce district is now cooler than it was before, and a GPS system has been added to the HUD, so you can find any property you buy via deed (deeds provide a set of coordinates).
The GPS provides only a 'direct line' type fix, so it doesn't have actual pathfinding like in-car GPS does, but it still works well apart from that. GPS trackers can be bought for tracking people or containers, and co-ordinates can be fed into the GPS system for added locatorness.

I had a cool target thing which showed the exact coordinate, but I couldn't be bothered to get it to work properly (showing over everything, like visisounds do) so I removed it. The icon was good.

Oh, and Crashed has left the guild. Never mind, he only flamed DBZ games anyway.
And his game has Armalites in it. ARMALITES! *cringe/shiver*.
I tried to read it, but I couldn't. Sorry :( Your box on the left covers part of it up, and your colors just hurt my eyes. :'(
Wow, it has occured to me, after seeing many replies like that, that the average BYONDer's eyes are very sensitive.
I hate your text. So I didn't read it.
The text and the random background is what makes this CSS unique. I like it. The "My Hosted Files" box needs to loose some width, though.
It's pretty much just default. I don't know what I've 'done' to make it look so screwed up to you.
I'm looking at it on an 800x600 moniter and it looks fine. I've seen it on a 1024x768 screen and it looks fine.
Maybe it's your web browser and my CSS having a punch-up?
Another problem is that the moniter I'm using makes everything look very dark, so I can't see what you see.
Oh, I had the IE view on... In firefox it looks perfectly fine
Take that, eyes!
Another problem is that the moniter I'm using makes everything look very dark, so I can't see what you see.

Mine actually makes it a bit lighter, and my eyes are not hurting. The only thing that makes my eyes hurt from reading is that Papyrus font, dunno why though...