What I have right now is:
- If you're a Cleric or Mage you click on a HUD icon that in turn brings up a pop-up graphical menu which the spells listed.
- You click the spell icon/name and your mouse then becomes magic activated.
- You click on the mob/item in the room, with a range check validation you cast the spell.
- Your mouse becomes deactived for magic.(Doesn't always work)
Here is where the problem came in. I next coded the client.click, which now I see as a big mistake. Everything from can't assign null to mouse pointers, to clerics nor being able to open clickable doors. The main reason I use so much clicking in LJR-RPG is to patten off of games like Diablo, which seem to be popular and enjoyed by many.
I've now begun working on a new system that still uses the pop-up HTML spell book which I like. The spell then gets transfer when click on in the book to a HUD area called, "Ready Spell" which will be like a holding place in the spell castors mind until the spell is cast(clicked upon).
I'm wonder if any RPG'ers out that have any suggestions that include my spell book pop-up as a system for using magic in my game???