![]() Aug 7 2004, 5:06 am
In response to Flame Sage
I hardly think that 2D 32x32 graphics can 'feak' me out. It's like a crapyer Paper Mario with fangs.
Teal687 wrote:
A few things that would completely terrify the carp out of me: This image scares me a lot :P Kind of an ichthyoid alien. |
I suggest doing something with a mirror.... Either a ghost that you can only see in the mirror or this really scary effect. You walk into a room. The roof, floor, and walls are all white. One wall is a gaint mirror. You walk up to the mirror.Lights go out. All sound turns off. a few seconds later you start to hear breathing. Soft at first, but it's getting louder, and louder. the lights turn back on. All the walls are covered in blood and two bodies are on the ground. But... The mirror is still perfect. You look into it again and see a ghost covered in blood on the other side. You look at it a little while longer, terrified. Then you notice the two corpses again in the mirror. They start to get up. The light flickers. The rooms back to normal. The walls are white, the ghost is gone. But.. the mirror... It's smashed. you turn to walk out, a large piece of the mirror falls out of the wall and makes a loud shattering noise as you bolt out the door.
Wow.... Now I'm scared.. *Goes off and removes all the mirrors from his house* |
Teal687 wrote:
A few things that would completely terrify the carp out of me: Being stuck in a room slowly being flooded with red ants.<font size = 1>I really don't see how that could scare the crap out of you. I've never had a problem with ants (One of my brothers and I would roll in anthills to see who could take it the longest :D)</font> Falling into a bottomless pit. (Gave me nightmares for 2 weeks once)<font size = 1>Why its bottomless? You must be afraid of starving to death or something. I guess if you got spinning or something you could pass out though.</font> Hanging on to a bar in a room with a giant meat shredder as a floor.<font size = 1>I think this could be worse if you weren't alone and the other person fell first.</font> Waking up in the middle of the night in a dark mansion I've never been in before and see a big clown doll standing in front of me<font size = 1>I would end up hitting it or kicking it at least until I realized it was inanimate.</font> Seeing a guy's head slowly being ripped off.<font size = 1>This would only bother me momentarily unless it was my turn next.</font> Seeing a guy bent in nasty ways.<font size = 1>Same as above.</font> Seeing a guy slowly being put in a shredder head first.<font size = 1>At least it wasn't feet first.</font> Seeing a guy slowly being flattened by one of those construction wheels head first.<font size = 1>Again less pain... head first is better think about it.</font> An object with a face always being there wherever I go.<font size = 1>What? </font> Being drowned in a toilet by a gang. (Really)<font size = 1>hrmm, speaking of drowning I think mostly Im more afraid of something huge and mean in the water that I can't see comming.</font> Seeing someone I know getting tortured.<font size = 1>Yes, their torture would be yours as you would feel their pain through your empathy for them.</font> Falling off a cliff. (Or something very tall)<font size = 1>Well I suppose you've only got a few seconds to worry about it.</font> Bugs that bite. (Except spiders and ladybugs)<font size = 1>Ok ill let the whole spiders aren't bugs thing slide, but I really don't see something so tiny without any life threatening poison as scarey.</font> Seeing a human corpse.<font size = 1>I saw my dead grandpa once... </font> <font size = 1> My brothers and I have grown up with all sorts of scary things in video games and movies. We have also scared each other quite a bit. Although the last time I tried that I got punched in the nose. <font size = 1>I really don't like the idea of being all alone when I die. Its kind of selfish wishing not to be the only one there when I die. I mean where nobody else would ever know if I even died or how if they knew. Death is my only fear which many should see as irrational being god-fearing people but as an athiest I don't believe in an afterlife. That brings up the topic why do religious people fear death. Is it the pain in death? I know many people who fear death but if you believe in any form of afterlife why?</font> |
You'd be suprised. Visual effects aren't usually the things that freak people out.
Twisted ideas and themes, sounds, environmental effects, etc. |
Subliminal messages are definently the way to go, I have a few movies that duplicate this, such as the ever-so-popular "Fight Club", where the co-main character flashes up on the screen for less then a quarter of a second.
To bounce off the subliminal message idea, use the flashlight theory. Find batteries to restore its power, or it'll flicker out and you'd probably die. Lots of freaky stuff can happen when your battery runs out ... it'll be like "hey man ... hope you got enough power in that battery ... this is a LOONG passage way" ... 2 minutes later ... *light flickers off* "OH GOD!! WHY ME! *shuts off BYOND*. Haha. |
I highly doubt anything created in BYOND will EVER appear frightening to me...EVER! :D
Little 2D icons just don't spook me like "Tomb Raider" can (Crap jumps out out me omgomgomg!)... ![]() ~Kujila |
You think Tomb Raider is scary? Try the original Thief in the middle of an undead level... or better yet, the Silent Hill series, I hear that's pretty scary (haven't played it though).
Kunark wrote:
What scares you? I mean REALLY, don't give me a "TEH GOVORNMENT" or "The growing amount of DBZ games.". I'm serious. If you were in a creepy strangers house, what is the most disturbing/twisted thing that you can think of that would make you cringe and run, or you wer ein a creepy house and something so terrifying it would actually scare you. Alot of things scare me, one is the possible end of the world, one thats more then likely gonna be like Stephen Kings "The Stand" A second one is waking up to be bound and gaged, I often have nightmares of that. Or being buried alive. If I went into someone's house persay a general smear of murder would more then likley scare me, but like childen or dead babies would really disturb me. (Considering that ghosts can really do anything with their environment, etc, so oits not always murder stuff.) Ok now Im going to say something that will more then likley get me teased, but I'll say it anyways. You are quite true, not only can ghosts effect most anything in the area, they can mentaly and phsycailly harm you. There are many different classes of Ghosts you should be aware of, such as Shadow People, who can be anything from blobs of shadows to a likeness of a person, they usually stay almost out of site, but usually don't do anything too drastic other then scaring the hell out of you if encountered. Why I bring up ghosts is Im a ghost hunter believe it or not.. Not in the regular sense of hunting, but I go into areas that are supposedly haunted, and take photographics, heat scans and that sort of thing, I also just got enough money to pick up a electroic magnetic sensor, that picks up odd levels of energy in a area, they are really expesnsive. Me and a small group of trusted people go into houses and cemetaries and take photos and other "normal" tests. Usually we get permission for houses, and cemearies for after dark, but if it comes down to it we hop cemetary walls... Anyways, the reason why I brought it up is that myself and a few other people have recived bad scratches on our backs and stomachs almost as if a cat has torn us apart. These woundes have been found after we left our hunting areas and found by odd burning sensations on the spots... But thats not what scares US. What scares us is the fact that while hunting in areas, is is also very possible that ghosts can follow us home, and our fear is that possibly one day, we could get one of these violent ones coming home with us.. Thats what scares the most out of us. |
What these are called are SWEAT SCRATCHES. You might get a scratch on your back that is extremly light, and you could get it just moving through a bush and won't feel it. When you sweat the sweat pours into the scratch and make's it sting and turn red, making it appear to be a cat scratch.
I am a ghost hunter aswell. Every ghost hunter experiences fear, and fear produces sweat at times. So they are sweat scratches. |
It sounds comical, but if visuals are the only thing that scares you, you are of a rare few.
My game will pray on the other senses. Visuals will only add to the themes category. |
How is this for a flashlight effect? It isn't much, but hey, it's got a built in (non black-out) flicker effect, and lag control!
http://babyrabies.tripod.com/id16.html |
Well I do have one more, but its more personal then being a nutt-job ghost hunter...
I have had many problems this and last year year.. and I have developed a slight case of depression and high anxeity(SP) This has developed into something for me I do not know yet, nor can I understand, if you can explain it to me, Id be very thankful, and Im 100% serious.. It started the beginning of this year, I woke up screaming in the middle of my room, this wasn't a normal scream, it was something I never heard myself like before. I jumped up and had a feeling of utter terror, almost like.. I had "Insta-Fear" poured into my very soul, and i just HAD to get out of my room. When I left my room.. I sat down and relaxed.. When I was finally setteld down, I noticed I had a larg cut on my fore head. I cannot explain why I woke up like this, and I cannot explain HOW I got the cut. This was SO scarey I had to sleep in the guest room downstairs for awhile just to sleep with the lights off alone in a room. And I was 17 when it started! A few days later I was able to go back in my room again, and sleep normally.. Until it happened again a month later, and 2 weeks after that again... And the one night while I was trying to sleep on the couch.. It happened again, but this time I felt it overwhel my system.. like I could feel it coming on.. I could feel this strong emotion slowly fill me to the brim until I started to scream uncontrably and ran downstairs. Finally 2 months later I was able to sleep in my room yet again.. I had been sleeping in yet a different room of the house.. When I was trying to sleep in my room, I yet again FELT it coming on, this strage, horrble emtoion, this time I jummped up and I started yelling "no.. no.. no!" finally i felt the emtion fade away.. This happened 2 more times, each time I was able to stop myself from screaming and relax in the same room. Since then Im 19.. And I sleep with the lights on in my room and my televion set on every night, also since then I havent had any encouter with these feelings. but every time when I go to sleep, I worry that Ill wake up screaming, because it is the worst and most horrible emotion I have ever felt. I cannot tell you what it is, and I cannot say what triggered it, and I cannot say why I no longer have "it". I said I was a ghost hunter, but I dont blame this on ghosts, yes my hous is haunted, by old ladies, who wouldnt harm a fly, I wouldnt blame this on them, nor have I ever heard of a attack of this nature in ghost hunting.. I blame it on high anxeity as my school councler has said, bit who the hell knows really? its all just museings. Edit: As for the "Sweat Scratches" I have never heard of these before, and I sweat quite badly in the summer, and I mean REALLY REALLY bad. But hell, it could be another answer for sweat scratches, or it could be anythign else. On a lighter note, I did a search on "sweat scratches" and didnt come up with anything worthwhile, meaning nothing. |
Kunark wrote:
How is this for a flashlight effect? It isn't much, but hey, it's got a built in (non black-out) flicker effect... The flicker sounds pretty cool. I like the effect of the light. You could probably do it one better with a 2:1 slope instead of alternating between 1:1 and horizontal. Also, the picture of the clown is pretty freaky. [edit] When it comes to creepiness, don't underestimate sound. Sound properly applied can seriously intensify a game's creep factor. It'll work even better if you make just about anything in the house make noise. Best is if you can get faraway sounds, or faraway versions of each sound, and then use those mostly while adding in close-up effects as desired. If it sounds like something is moving about other parts of the house, and you suddenly hear something close at hand, it's liable to have a major scare effect. Lummox JR |
I've already got something like that in effect :) Everything you do (including walking) has sounds, and louder sounds (like walking on wood floor, or walking onto a creeking floorboard), will be heard from behind doors nearby or vents on the floor/wall. Of course there is many sound-ness to be added :)
I've already got mirrors implimented and have special mirror effects in place. They actually will play a big part in some areas of the game.
Mexus wrote:
That brings up the topic why do religious people fear >death. Is it the pain in death? I know many people who >fear death but if you believe in any form of afterlife why? Well i believe the fear of death is derived from the fact that people who read the bible and believe in god know they arent living life exaclty as its set out for them in the bible, and the fact that they are "sinners" and have a good possibilty of going to "hell" just my opinion though... |