![]() Aug 28 2004, 3:59 pm
If players start to attack a certain creature for no reason over a long period they will learn that the players are enemies and will either sprint away or attack, instead of going up to them and being curious. Do you think this would be a good system? So in the beggining of the game (when I start hosting) everything will be neutral. The minds of each creature will be saved. This kind of simulates animals in real life. They learn whats dangerous and whats not. This can also work both ways if players be nice to the creatures and maybe feed them they will start to trust players.
![]() Aug 28 2004, 4:18 pm
I may have misunderstood you but you should make it so the animals dont work according to how EVERYONE treats them, they should do things according to certain players.
Animals in real life dont really care which human you are..Goto the pound and try to pet a dog that was abused by his previous owners it will probably cower away in fear.
It would be different for each creature. If you attack a creature enough, it figures that humans are hostile, so when it sees one it treats it as being hostile (instead of being neutral towards it). However, if you attack a creature enough, it dies, so its a little late in figuring out that players are hostile.
If you want monsters to be a little smarter, you could make them act based on their judgement of the player. A player with ragged clothes and wielding a stick charges at them, they could easily kill the player, so they attack. However, if the player looks more threatening, maybe they back off. Also, you could consider the health level of the player. If the player looks threatening, but also looks really week, maybe the creature will think that it could beat the player, so it attacks. |
Haha, let's be realistic here, every monster is going to have a little of that sweet sweet XP that every adventurer, big and small wants a piece of. Let's face it, every non-player creature in your game is going to be running in terror or attacking players anyways. Maintaining reputation is an interesting addition, though. Keep in mind that if you kill something though, it isn't going to be more likely to do anything other than rot, it only affects things that witnessed it's murder. You may want a check to see if something witnessed the death. Also, you'll want a way to redeem your reputation, perhaps killing something's natural enemy, or performing mini-quests. If all you can be is either an enemy, or a neutral, it's a world slated for nothing but slaughter.
DerDragon wrote:
Keep in mind that if you kill something though, it isn't going to be more likely to do anything other than rot, it only affects things that witnessed it's murder. To add on to that, I think a monster who witnessed a murder (or feeding, there has to be some way to be nice =P) of another monster should be able to affect other monsters' (assuming they aren't agressive towards each other) opinions of a certain person/race that it comes into contact with. The effectiveness of "telling" other monsters could even be based on the monsters' intelligence(and/or charisma). If the tattle tale monster is really smart/charismatic, it could easily convince a not-so-intelligent monster to kill said player/race on sight. |
Heres an idea for the system : Packs of monsters. Such as wolves or hyenas and the such. If the player kills one of thier pack the pack will react with hostility. If the player treats one of the pack with kindness, the rest of the pack might consider the player a friend.
Anyways, thats my 2 cents and something to chew on. |
To do somthing like that you may want too take a look at the fuzzy logic lib in the byondscape section. It might prove some use to you.
As for the idea I think its a pretty good one. To add more to it you could have environmental AI become involved in the animals will take on fetures from their environment over so long of time. (evolution) |