I have found an incredible recompression tool for PNG, just thought I would share it with you guys. Its found at, its called AdvanceCOMP and includes recompression tools for PNG, ZIP, and a few other file types. This can help to further compress any PNG files you may be using in your BYOND game(s), to reduce the RSC file size somewhat.
Very nice! Thank you, I tested it on a couple of png's and got an incredible 52% compression on one of them. But another image it didn't do anything to. Thanks again, this will keep down the loading times of the webpages I'm making. :)

Nice find! I ran it on a bunch of PNG files I've accumulated over the years made using Paint Shop Pro 6, and got most of them down to 70%-95% of their previous size. Not huge savings, but every little bit counts!
Oh, and... I believe its best to use -z switch paired with -4(maximum compression) switch. Eats up cpu, but its a bit better than the default.
In response to Gazoot
How would you use this program. I downloaded the Windows Pentium one and opened command prompt, and cd to the directory of the advpng.exe and don't know what to do next.
In response to ZDarkGoku
ZDarkGoku wrote:
How would you use this program. I downloaded the Windows Pentium one and opened command prompt, and cd to the directory of the advpng.exe and don't know what to do next.

The usage is "advpng [options] [files]", and from the help (when you type just "advpng") you see that the option "-z" is recompressing the files, and "-4" is extreme compression.

So you put the files you want to convert in that directory, and type "advpng -z -4 filename.png".

I made a small BYOND program that makes it a little easier.
In response to Gazoot
I find it useful to do this:

advpng -z -4 *.png

Compresses every PNG file in the current directory. =) (It will never make anything larger, either, because it checks to make sure that it's not increasing the filesize.)
In response to Repiv
Whats so hard about using the command line to use programs?
In response to Gazoot
So many people seem to have forgotten about the console/command line... advpng is a command line program, like MS Dos, sort of. Oh and, if you want to recompress all pngs, put *.png as the file to compress. It will compress all pngs in the folder it executes in, however I always stick my command line programs I use a lot in my system/windows folder so I can execute it in any folder.
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
I find it useful to do this:

advpng -z -4 *.png

Compresses every PNG file in the current directory. =) (It will never make anything larger, either, because it checks to make sure that it's not increasing the filesize.)

After I installed PHP on the local development webserver I have, I cannot live without it as a script language. Finally a replacement for perl!! So I wrote a PHP script that converts all png files in a dir and its subdirs, and reports the size and total compression rate. The same thing could probably be done in DM.

In response to Ryuo
Ryuo wrote:
Whats so hard about using the command line to use programs?

When you have lots of files and directories to manage/search through/process/etc, script files are essential.
