Sep 29 2004, 6:09 pm
I have found an incredible recompression tool for PNG, just thought I would share it with you guys. Its found at, its called AdvanceCOMP and includes recompression tools for PNG, ZIP, and a few other file types. This can help to further compress any PNG files you may be using in your BYOND game(s), to reduce the RSC file size somewhat.
Nice find! I ran it on a bunch of PNG files I've accumulated over the years made using Paint Shop Pro 6, and got most of them down to 70%-95% of their previous size. Not huge savings, but every little bit counts!
Oh, and... I believe its best to use -z switch paired with -4(maximum compression) switch. Eats up cpu, but its a bit better than the default.
In response to Gazoot
How would you use this program. I downloaded the Windows Pentium one and opened command prompt, and cd to the directory of the advpng.exe and don't know what to do next.
In response to ZDarkGoku
ZDarkGoku wrote:
How would you use this program. I downloaded the Windows Pentium one and opened command prompt, and cd to the directory of the advpng.exe and don't know what to do next. The usage is "advpng [options] [files]", and from the help (when you type just "advpng") you see that the option "-z" is recompressing the files, and "-4" is extreme compression. So you put the files you want to convert in that directory, and type "advpng -z -4 filename.png". /Gazoot |
I made a small BYOND program that makes it a little easier. |
In response to Gazoot
I find it useful to do this:
advpng -z -4 *.png Compresses every PNG file in the current directory. =) (It will never make anything larger, either, because it checks to make sure that it's not increasing the filesize.) |
In response to Repiv
Whats so hard about using the command line to use programs?
In response to Gazoot
So many people seem to have forgotten about the console/command line... advpng is a command line program, like MS Dos, sort of. Oh and, if you want to recompress all pngs, put *.png as the file to compress. It will compress all pngs in the folder it executes in, however I always stick my command line programs I use a lot in my system/windows folder so I can execute it in any folder.
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
I find it useful to do this: After I installed PHP on the local development webserver I have, I cannot live without it as a script language. Finally a replacement for perl!! So I wrote a PHP script that converts all png files in a dir and its subdirs, and reports the size and total compression rate. The same thing could probably be done in DM. /Gazoot |
In response to Ryuo
Ryuo wrote:
Whats so hard about using the command line to use programs? When you have lots of files and directories to manage/search through/process/etc, script files are essential. /Gazoot |