I have been making a pet system for a friend (Wilber) for his game Konquest(An RPG) and I was wondering what you guys think would be some good pet commands for the game.So far I have the following:

  • "Sit"
  • "Summon"
  • "Follow"
  • "Kill"
  • "Wander"
  • "Ride"
  • "Teleport"
  • "Get Off"
  • "Attack"
  • "Stop Attack"
  • "Equip"
  • "Drop"
  • "Defend"
  • "Pick Up"

    Anymore ideas?

    Thanks! (Please be reasonable)

    EDIT: Anymore ideas, also I thought it was pretty cool that I almost posted this post the same time as I edited it today yesterday. If you understood that!
Retrieval of drops is always a useful pet skill.
In response to Grei
Lure might be a good one, typically used to have your monster lure others monsters towards you so you can both fight it. Sounds kind of lazy though, as theres no reason for you to not be able to just walk up to the monster.

Oh, and maybe be able to have your monster push and/or pull objects.

How about guard? For example, you are going out to another city, but you don't think you and your pet are strong enough to make it there alone, so your buddy has his pet guard you to help.
Well you can expand on the killing of the pet. You can kill it and then use it for warmth. This technique as gruesome as is it has saved many lives. Or you can kill it and then eat it.

Another idea is to shave it, if it has hair, and then make a jacket.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
N1ghtW1ng wrote:
Another idea is to shave it, if it has hair, and then make a jacket.

Or, if it's a spy game, make a fake mustache and beard!
Not a shaby idea *du du dush!*
In response to N1ghtW1ng
N1ghtW1ng wrote:
Not a shaby idea *du du dush!*


-Um, make sure you can equip items with overlays to your pets. I used to play Seika a while back (Get away!), and I didn't like the fact I couldn't give my cool rat a fly dress to hang with it's homies in.
In response to Chance777
Lure will probally be all you do is get your pet to attack a monster, then just dblclick yourself and your pet will come towards you. Or just dblclick some other atom.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert I like your idea, but maybe I should just add this as the 'defend' command. Make it so that you can pick the 'mob' that you want it to protect. And maybe even make the pet follow the person they are defending.
In response to CodingSkillz2
Fly would be useful yes, but it probally would be abused to go over walls and attack something without the monster attacking the player on the other wall. So really...good idea, but I dont think I should add it.
In response to Grei
Grei, I like your idea. I will probally add it in, and maybe make the max items the pet can hold around 3 items.
I will add that in, thanks.