In response to Jiskuha
Jiskuha wrote:
I Give up. I cant make a spy game how i want due to byond. Owell :)

I fail to see how that's BYOND's fault, unless you mean "due to the BYOND community". ;p

Seriously though, you can build any sort of game mechanics you can dream of using BYOND. The only major shortcoming of BYOND is the display, and I don't recall anything graphically intensive being discussed in this thread.
Jiskuha wrote:
Well,I'm currently going to start up a SPY type role playing game. Not like MLAAS(I've never played it,only seen the hub but im thinking its a strategy type game?). Anyways I was thinking when you create a spy you pick either side(There is only two) and fight each other off. This would be something like an actual ORPG(i.e. seika (yeah bad example)) and not a level-by-level(i.e. Proelium) thing if you know what i mean. I need suggestions on how i should create a spy type rpg and what should be implemented. Thanks in advance.


I read thru alot of the posts here because I had started a game proposal for a similar type of game. I used to play Covert Action (you can get it at an Underdog game website, as well as Dos Box to pay it) which is a spy type game.

The missions involve a crime being set up and you have to foil it. There are encrypted messages to decipher, phone taps, car tracers, car tailing(not done too well), breaking in to safe houses, photographic documents, some shooting combat. The idea is to stop the crime by finding all the players involved and finding the equipment being used for the job. It was done pretty good for a game from the EGA erra.

I was trying to create a mutliplayer, multisided game like that. You would join an agency, and various agencies would have allies and enemies. You agency would spawn a job, and agents would sign up for roles in the plot. The agency that you are planing the job on would then, through message traffic monitoring, would know that a job is being done, and would have say some encrypted message traffic, that thier team can look at and try to stop the job.

If that doesn't give you a start, maybe I'll take the time to work that up myself.
In response to Shadowdarke
Shadowdarke wrote:
Jiskuha wrote:
I Give up. I cant make a spy game how i want due to byond. Owell :)

I fail to see how that's BYOND's fault, unless you mean "due to the BYOND community". ;p

Seriously though, you can build any sort of game mechanics you can dream of using BYOND. The only major shortcoming of BYOND is the display, and I don't recall anything graphically intensive being discussed in this thread.

No not the community :). I actually just changed my mind because it is feasible.

I'd like to see the players spy on the world, not each other. Sort of a GTA2 style game, but instead of working for gangs you work for companies and spy on rival companies.
You'd have to make a pretty good random assignment generator capable of creating in-depth missions. So that even the basic 'go here, take a photo of that, drop the photos off' assignments involve stuff like talking to people, gathering info, etc.

The players wouldn't really be out to get each other, although to make things more interesting you could make it so that each company only hands out a few assignments on each tier at a time, and anyone can complete the assignment (although in some assignments certian info can only be obtained from the company, meaning you'd have to accept the assignment to get it).
In response to DarkView
even if the missions are as simple as "go here and do this", it could be made more complex by requiring you to get certain items to help you do that. for example, you might need to get blueprints of the building you're sneaking into, but the guy you get the blueprints from won't give them to you unless you do something for him (which would be a simple "go there and do something" task as well). but, the chain of simple quests makes the overall quest more complex. also, not all of those simple quests would be required. you wouldn't need the blueprints, but it would make things a lot easier. all of the quests are still simple and easy to randomly generate.
In response to OneFishDown
I've been thinking for a while about a system that actually keeps track of pieces of information, as datums. It would probably be quite hard to do, and you'd obviously have to place a limit on the amount of information that's tracked, but once you've figured out how to do it you get a large number of interesting possibilities. Information can be collected and traded for cash, rumours (information datums that are flagged as potentially dubious) can be spread, AIs can react according to the information (by sending counteragents on missions, or by feeding misinformation to their enemies; and these things can be done by giving out missions to AIs or players)...
In response to Crispy
So rather then having a mission generator create a mission and handing out information, dis-information, objectives, etc you'd just have an objective generator and the information would leak and spread until GroupB gets wind of it and decides to create a mission around what they've heard?
I must admit I like the idea. It actually would be spying. I could just see myself busting into a government facility just to find my whole assignment was based on some false information.

Now if players could transfer the information to the groups that would be gold. It would make devices like bugs and camera's actually have a purpose.
Track and bug a scientest, get a little info on what he's been working on, give it to the right people and if they're interested maybe you'll get a mission stealing technology from their lab.

Turn this into a full blown MMORPG and you could make some serious money.
In response to DarkView
Sounds really fun.

I would be an anti-spy, pretending to know fake information, only to set up traps.

I'd make spys run into a well guarded area then get paid for their death.
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