Mar 28 2014, 9:26 pm
Why am I suddenly only allowed to see fans that are Byond Members on my fans list?
Mar 28 2014, 9:30 pm
The fans list was getting out of control for some games (mainly SS13) so this was just a convenient way to fix that. I guess we could show the first N nonmembers but .. eh.
I guess it's not a big deal, it's just viewing my fans is what I look forward to every day because it grows 10 a day >.<
Hmm, maybe we can show the most recent fans too then. Sorry for the inconvenience. I just didn't like our server lagging out when people looked at SS13!
No worry's, was just curious if I was bugged or not. Hah, I remember when SS13 wasn't popular at all... It's booming now.
Or perhaps a full fan list for the hub author and any helpers somewhere amongst the "Edit Hub Entry" pages would be sufficient. That should keep the overload problem under control, and provide IMangekyouI with his daily gratification.
In response to Audeuro
Audeuro wrote:
Or perhaps a full fan list for the hub author and any helpers somewhere amongst the "Edit Hub Entry" pages would be sufficient. That should keep the overload problem under control, and provide IMangekyouI with his daily gratification. I'm going to have to agree with Audeuro here. It's not the same without me being able to see all my fan keys D': |
I think Audeuro's idea would be best. It definitely needs to at least show most recent though. I know whenever I see fan count go up on a game I'm involved in I often like to check the keys to see who it was, and whether I know them. At least until the fan count gets really high for sure.
It also helps out with reminding people who actively play, and meant to fan, but forgot. It tells developers who hasn't, so they can remind their friends, or most well known members. |
Since this issue mostly persists on just SS13 (Probably also on other games, I wouldn't have a clue), would it not be easier to split the fans up into pages? Just have around 50 Fans per page. That means they won't be as big, you can still look through them, and nobody would have any downsides to it.
Why don't you make it an option to switch between the two? I mean, Fans are already on a page themselves anyway.
Something like "Show Fans who are Members" and "Show fans who are not Members" |
Because that wouldn't fix the problem. Showing them all to anyone, even one person, could be problematic. At least for the viewer.
The 50 or 100 per page idea is cool, but I'm fine with the showing most recent too. As far as I can tell, no matter what is chosen this will be getting fixed based off Tom's last response. |
Fans could be made into something like a table to list them and divided into several pages, so it shows only N per page.
In response to Taitz
Taitz wrote:
Fans could be made into something like a table to list them and divided into several pages, so it shows only N per page. Did you manage to think of that one yourself? I already made said suggestion 2 posts up :P |
In response to Laser50
Had a quick look at the thread and didn't exactly read all responses, was in a hurry to work, I am sorry if you feel like you have been discredited for something, which has been done millions of times for various things.
Sincerely, my apologies. |
In response to Taitz
Taitz wrote:
Had a quick look at the thread and didn't exactly read all responses, was in a hurry to work, I am sorry if you feel like you have been discredited for something, which has been done millions of times for various things. I only mentioned it, I don't really care. |
In response to Laser50
Oh... My bad I forgot to add "/sarcasm".
This kind of interferes with something I was doing with my utility. It checks to see if a user has fanned the hub. Would it be possible to have an addition where developers can see if a user has the game fanned? Instead of checking the game's fan list, checking the user's favorites would be much more simplistic. This would also save a lot of effort to process large fan lists.
In response to Xirre
I'm quite sure that checking the favorites would be the same as checking the fan list, the database for it should be the same.