In response to Shades
Doesnt anybody have the old host files? Just for we could play it...not hosting, cuz she said not to, but for Us who didnt get to play it...U_U *sniff*
In response to Necro Night
In response to Artekia
.<' NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In response to Necro Night
instead of crying about it, why not peruse the forums (i fixed a faulty permission in the General Discussion, so all of it should be open for browsing now- no need for an account) to get ideas for your own game?

there are no screenshots because *roleplaying* was the most important thing, *not* icons/turfs/special effects. and that was the biggest problem- out of the 150 or so people who actively played, only a small handful (I'd say maybe a dozen), actually roleplayed within the game. the rest spent their time either trying to become better thieves (because it was cool to rob people, not actually a better class of character), or figuring out ways to cheat the system, or too lazy to type. this was not what Lexy had in mind, and rightfully chose to take HrH away than have it become known as a bad roleplaying experience.

instead of "pining over the good old days" people should look upon this forum resource as inspiration for their own game.
The community. We had a very good community that let us have fun. the fact that EVERYTHING was player made was great. being able to scavenge for materials and food was good too. I liked that system better than, if I needeed a new bed and some berries I'll just go to the hall and talk to genereic shopkeeper. Instead I had to go find a store barter prices and it wasn't always solid. I could shop around, or trade skills. I could bring him the bark and he could make the bed and i could cook all his food to perfection for him.

That was fun.
In response to digitalmouse
Good idea. And also the reason I wanted a screen shot was not to copy or imatate it, but It bugs me that I played it before along time ago...and I cant get that mental picture of what it looked like very clear..ah well. Anyway off I go to create "Oak Tree Valley" dum dum dum!
This has been bugging my also, What if you were digging and somebody digged into your burrow area?
In response to Necro Night
Each burrow was on its own Z level, Necro.
Well I have been doing notes on a game kind of like HrH, but instead of animals you are monsters.

Orginally some peaceful town, far away enough so we never heard of it lived happyily until some untold evil crushes it. When it leaves, it left it's minions behind, which eventually evolved into ratioanl thinking beings.

But, god knows, I drop so much stuff it isn't happy. I never seem happy with what I do. But I suppose, putting out nothing is better then putting out crap.
In response to Shades
Heh, sounds like a similar project I fiddled with for about a whole week. My project was based on the opposite idea of your typical RPG. Instead of being adventurers who go out to slay monsters, you're monsters, living a peaceful existence in your own little village(s) only to be disrupted by NPC adventurers who constantly charge into the village eager to slay you and other players and collect whatever gold and items you drop. The monsters themselves would live an existence rather similar to the HrH players-build-everything idea, just with occasional bands of adventurers coming in to disrupt everything.

Of course, thats probably not the most original idea in the world, but it still sounded fun.
In response to Necro Night
Ok, Maybe did the characters resemple this new set I've drawn. HrhDude852.jpg

IS 1, 2, or 3 resemble the HrH icons.
In response to Necro Night
None of them. And stop trying to mimic HrH's style. Invent your own.
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