its 11 oclock here, and im hyper. so im gunna make a ninja game that will totally make you wanna crap your pants cause its so awsome.
It should be done by morning.
Jan 15 2005, 7:48 pm
i tried something like that a while ago, it was called "Ninja showdown." I think I made a forum post about it. Try digging it up. I think the download link is still there.
Oh gee golley! My I guess I better not wear pants when I play the game. Or even sit on a chair. I've a better idea! I can get my laptop see, set up my WiFi network see, the bathroom is key see.
Anyway, this doesn't really fit under Design Philosophy. I don't see anything about Design (except the 'ultimate' and the 'pants crapping' part, but I wouldn't really call those designs.) |
Whoa. That's weird. I'd hate to crap my pants while playing an awesome game, because then I'd have to stop playing and change.
Good luck with the game though.