var/obj/stone/new_stone = new (src.loc)
walk(new_stone, EAST)
sleep 5
walk(new_stone, NORTH)
sleep 5
walk(new_stone, WEST)
sleep 5
walk(new_stone, SOUTH)
sleep 5
new_stone = new (src.loc)
walk(new_stone, WEST)
sleep 5
walk(new_stone, NORTH)
sleep 5
walk(new_stone, WEST)
sleep 5
walk(new_stone, SOUTH)
sleep 5
Problem description:Not sure how i would make the second stone fire at the same time as the first stone
Ive been looking at the reference and i just cant seem to find anything to help :/
Since you want two different stones, you want to have some way of keeping track of them separately. In the example. two test objects will be created at the same time. One will begin moving north, and the other will move east.