![]() Apr 18 2015, 12:21 pm
Sorry for the game being down it might be down for a good minute The host(Dopenaruto) Is refusing to host until "Critic fixes the lag." But In the mean time go on the Forums and request new outfits and hair for the game :D
How do you host a Byond server anyway? I have a spare laptop that I could set up to host the game
Well I know for one you would need the host files :o if Dope gives it up we could keep the saves :o
Comeon guys!! Put the server back on please....!
If someone wants to take over the game i dont think Crit cares much anymore seeing how he rarely ever logs in. here are the source files for it: https://www.dropbox.com/home/DB%20WWA
(sorry that there are so many there all needed for the game first time ever putting something on dropbox)
would be cool if someone took over made a new hub pretty much make the game there own because as it stands right now there are no admins and no one to fix bugs ill keep it hosted till we can get someone else that wants the game