Okay well I checked out BYOND and I was thinking hrmmm maybe I could make a game of the crap that I have been doing lately, which is partying. Well I was bored at work and I was jotting down ideas and here they are.
They would be thrown once a week, for about 2-3 hours, on a tuesday or something so I could actualy make it haha.
Party "Stuff" - Just Misc. things that would be at the party
Beer Bongs
Keg Stands
Disco Balls
Strobe Lights
Black Lights
Jello Shots
Party "Skills" - "Skills" that would allow guests to perform
"activities" better than other people or just random skills to liven the party up
Dance - Bust a Move
Chug - Down "beverages" without a problem
DJ - Would be able to use the DJ Booth and let everybody hear what they gotta spin
Mardi Gras - Hardcore partier with so much experience, they can produce beads to hand out to people
Bartender - Also a veteran party skill, allows one to "mix" drinks and name them whatever they want.
Party "Looks" - "Looks" that one can choose to fit thier style
Laid Back
The thing is... there BASICALLY would be no point to this game except just to hang out for a little bit, but after that, that's about it. Any ideas that could make gameplay a little bit more interesting? I'm just looking for a hangout game that would be thrown maybe once a week or something, it would basically just be like a real party but with just random things to do. So if you have any other random things to do go ahead and add them. Any and all ideas are welcome!
![]() Jun 6 2005, 10:02 am
you gotta have good music though... I mean you can't DJ a party playing the same lame song over and over. Is it going to be multiplayer? Cause that could be cool...
Bob Smith |
You could make it into a cooperative game, where the objective is to liven up the party and keep it going strong as much as possible. The DJ and the bartender could provide "trick points" (think up a better name though =P) to the partying crowd, who could then use them up to perform various tricks (dance moves, crowd surfing). The DJ could provide a constant but slower stream of points to the whole crowd, while the bartender could give out drinks that, when consumed, give the drinker a points boost.
(Edit: Forgot to mention; the crowd's tricks help keep the party "alive". The more and better the tricks, the more the party keeps on kickin'. If the tricks dry up, the party starts to lose its energy.) The better the DJ plays, the more points everyone gets; and the better the bartender mixes drinks, the more points his drinks are worth! Of course, you'd need to come up with a way of scoring how well everyone's doing (DJ, bartender, and crowd). Could be fun! =) |
Heh, you've clearly not been out for a few years, have you Crispy? :p
(*hugs* You know I'm just teasin') Nice idea actually, though. |
Hah! I get out more than you think... Well, a bit more... <font size=-6>okay, maybe not that much more.</font> =P
Anyway... I just said it could be fun. I didn't say it would ever replace real partying. =) |
Adding on the Crispdude's idea, make dancing and crap like DDR. :) And, make the DJ's stuff similar, just less controls.
The DJ should be able to choose from a list a songs... But that would make this game HUGE with that many songs. Your choice...
DDR rules! I once spent £25 in an arcade playing that game, and was fine with walking 4 miles home because I couldn't afford the bus. It was worth it!
Goop2 wrote:
A good name for the points might be ENERGY? >.> Virtual Energy. What your brain thinks it has. That way, bad guys could sell drugs to people giving them insanely high virtual energy amounts, only to PK them when their brain finally checks back with the rest of the body. |
have you ever played Theme hospital or theme park?
YOu could always make it like that, where you constantly are adding furniture, rooms, etc to the party house to entice more people to come in. You have to start puting honey buckets outside so people don't puke all over your house, and could add trash disposers right outside as well for all the litter the people will create. As your money increases (from 5 dollar entry fee's) you can start buying stronger alcohol, better dj's, etc... the idea is to create the ultimate frat party!! The host could be the guy throwing the party, and players could be rich college kids who go from server to server based on a client side savefile who give money donations to the best frat party they see :P Ok I totally went off somewhere else... hahaha |
....why not be able to right click the dj stand if your a dj and have the play song option like soooo many other games....ive got tons of midis O.O yah...well doors should be lockable by the party host (server hoster) and he should be able to give people keys....there should be possible ways to die by overdrinking or falling off a balcony or being in a fight...id like to go up to someone with a broken bottle and stab them hehe. the bartender job sounds cool, there should be a variety of ingredients and diffrent drinks you can make. tehre should be closets that are a little darker and a lightswitch you can turn on to be able to see in them (for obvious reasons..heh)there should be the kitchen too and hunger/thirst, alchoholic drinks made by the bartender or found in the fridge should heal more thirst and bigger food bigger hunger heal..there should also be just simple rooms with cleaning supplys, or bedrooms etc... lockable if you find a key / host gives key.. oh yah closets should be lockable too. and there can be an intercom system (ooc) on a wall in every room, if its microphone is turned on everyone within five spaces can talk into it so people cant be locked in a room. there should be night/day and say night turns into day and vicey versa every....10 mins. of course when its night small lamps should be turned on, controled by one lightswitch in each room. there could be a sleep option too which restores your energy points alchohol also raises energy too but it lowers your health points by 2 every time you drink it, but certain alchoholic beverages that are strong can lower it by say...5. there can be an alchohol tolerance level and more you drink the less chance you have of puking if its high if its low you can puke more often. puking lowers hunger and thirst by alot, its not a good thing. the alchohol addict should have a high level of alchohol tolerance, and bartender too. if your hunger/thirst get too low you will slowly loose hp by like 2 every 20 seconds if its not that low and like 5 ever 10 seconds if its 0. tehre should be a mian room too with the dj stand and strobe lights turn onable which make the entire room turn white then normal then white then normal etc.. oo baloons too, they can be popped with broken beer bottles, just equip the beer bottle and double click something to make it broken. and you have to equip stuff to drink it and use etc.. you should also have a permanently equipped backpack you can put stuff in. the hosts key can be equipped to lock doors etc.. and he can right click it and select duplicate for one to appear under him, so he can give to other people. double click to pick up stuff if your hand is empty, double click your backpack to open your backpack and a window pops up with the stuff in it.you can give stuff to people by clicking the give verb and them being infront of you, with your item equipped. it will automatically go in their backpack.
^^^ well there is your entire game for ya, i hope most of its implemented i spent a while typin it :D please reaad thiiisss |
Of course, you'd probably need to let people have a 'Like" and "Dislike" list to incoorporate into the game.