With all this stuff going on. I see a ww3 in the near future.
What "stuff"?
It's pretty obvious, its like a candle just waiting to be lite. Middle eastern countrys are having issues...

Edit: Israel... also if you havent been watching the news lately.
World War III started September 11th, 2001.
Yeah, I get what you mean. Palestine has already praised Lebanon(spelling?) for their actions. They'll probably team up, and some random other country will show up and join op with Israel, and war it will be...

Where the frek is Bush now? What the fik was he doing when Isreal entered Gaza and started firing bombs? What was that idiot doing? I never saw why people think he's a great person, he is against the moslims, period. I wish he'd be on a small rubber boat somewhere in the middle ocean with some stormy weather. I wish he'd die.
Can't blame Bush. Blame the people who elected him. What kind of dumbfucks would do that?
I will resolve the issue with North Korea, by taking Kim Jong-il out for tea asking what's really the problem. Once he gets it all out, I'll pat him on the back and tell him to stop this nonsense and call his mother.
Can't blame Bush. Blame the people who elected him. What kind of dumbfucks would do that?

About half of the 20% of the population of America that actually voted.
Where the frek is Bush now?

Reading "Politics for nubs" to a bunch of pre-schoolers.
Can't blame Bush. Blame the people who elected him. What kind of dumbfucks would do that?

I would have voted for him, and I re-voted for him. Do you want someone like Al Gore who claims "He created the internet"?
Al Gore wasn't the only other person running for President. You could have voted for someone besides Bush.

But really, I would have voted for him, had I got off my butt to do it. At the time, I thought he had this countries best interests in mind. I now know I was wrong, but who knows how it would have been if Kerry or Gore would have won.

I actually saw Al Gore on the daily show and he can be a funny man when he isn't speaking politics. He is not very charismatic, which is an important part of being elected. His political views are actually what seems to be what is right, not what is popular. If given the chance again, knowing what I know now, I would have voted for Gore, but we didn't know, we only had what the media had told us.

You cannot blame us for voting Bush in, but you can blame us for not throwing him out.
Mindless bush bashing, yay!

Let's all be trendy!
Whats trendy mean? I always thought it ment you were skinny.
Danial.Beta is right! Ralph Nader all the way!!

By the way...Al Gore never exactly claimed to invent the internet:
I never voted for Bush to begin with. The last election I voted for Kerry.