In response to Killerdragon
One more thing I am going to add. For stealthy games (the good ones), you will see that if you go into darker areas, the guards have a harder time seeing you. I am working on a system that will do this. What do you guys think of that?? It should be very simple to create...
even i cant think of sumtin dat gud and plus i like :D try as hard as u can to make it the first one u made was gud ill try and help u sumhow k cya :p :D
In response to ReYerth
Lol, I have lots of imagination. Also, the only true thing I need help on is player icons and some turfs. Hopefully coding will be 100% by me. So, if you can help with those kinds of icons, that would be great (although Deathbringar is working on player, so I just mainly need turfs and objects icons). Thanks for your offer.
In response to Killerdragon
Hmmm, I decided to do instead of 4 teams, make it into 2 teams (red and blue), it should be more challenging that way (and more fun)..... What do you guys think???
In response to Killerdragon
How about the option to choose the amount of teams(host) 2-6 or somewhere around that.
In response to Blakdragon77
I would but I don't have enough time to icon or color in for other teams, so im just gonna do 2 teams. :( The only time i'll do that is if i can get an iconer for it, which may happen, so there is still hope...
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