What would you wanna see in a Bleach(The anime/manga)game? I'm currently looking for a staff to make one and I'm blank on ideas, and really the players ideas make the game.
Well, I know I don't want to see one.
In response to Branks
Branks wrote:
Well, I know I don't want to see one.

Same as branks lol. But if i had to say something make sure its original.
In response to Turles9000
Haters. Watch the anime and you might like it.
In response to Elecman
I saw 2 episodes... it sucks.
In response to Branks
*Draws this more off-topic*

Bleach is pretty dull until you get past episode 10 or so. Naruto wasn't that great at the start either, and oddly enough, the second episode was one of the lamer ones in my opinion.
In response to Branks
Bleach is awesome. I've only seen a few episodes, but I already like it.

I'm not a huge fan of fan games, but if you must make a Bleach game then make it good - and make it a Bleach game, not some random DBZ knockoff. =P And don't make it an RPG. Please please please not an RPG. An action game would be far better.

Perhaps the game could be based around cooperative action, where players are Death Gods and have to work together to stop a group of Hollows killing a largely-oblivious mortal population.