Dragonball is actully pretty good, it is a good mix of action, comedy and story.
The Dragonball series isn't all about fighting, there could be 4 or 5 episodes without a single fight, in which it relys more on the plot and charaters and stuff.
It was basiclly the story of Goku and meeting the world. I believe it was based off the legend called Journey West or something.
Now Dragonball Z wasn't nearly as good as Dragonball, but it wasn't ALL about fights. Truth be told, the AMERCIAN version was ravagaed by FunImation.
The Japanese series actully has a lot more story to it, there is actully 3 or 4 days worth of epsidoes where Goku and King Kai tour Other World, before going to the Other World Tourny. And it shows some of the behind the scenes stuff going on in the after life and what not. Almost all of those parts were cut out and they went right to the tourny.
Thats just one example. FunImation was and still is a terrible company, they went as far as to censor tears in some episodes.
DarkView wrote:
Wouldn't you rather work for something new? Maybe go Ultra DarkView, which only gives you a slight power boost but when in Ultra DarkView form you can preform DarkView Arts techniques which do all sorts of cool things. Well, they do have a secret technique as you mentioned, and you also get secret, and very cool techniques on the side as well. When you reach the Supreme Being belt you get Mystic (used to be called Mega Charge) which when you click it, gives you an aura which gives you 10x your power level (I think, they might have changed it). Also, at the Ultimate Warrior belt you learn Chocolate and you can turn people into chocolate once you have beaten them in a fight. When you eat it it is an instant 50% health restore. The game has many more perks as well, which I do not want to give away. The game has had major, major updates since the last time you have played it. It is being hosted again, also. You should give the game another try, because it is practicaly a whole different game with the same ideas, it is so fun. |
O-matic wrote:
Dragonn wrote: Quickly, we must drive a stake through their hearts! If we kill off the original DBZ, then all the other games will be cured! |
Well, unless DeathAwaitsU has scrapped his DBZ project, I believe he was making a DBZ Fighting game that I was looking forward to seeing in action.