I am making a game loosely based on Silent Hill. Basicly, during random times or timed times a siren goes off and darkness approaches. Basicly, you have a certain amount of time to hide or find safety before it gets completely dark. Once it is completely dark, you cannot see much and there is tons of monsters plus a guy with a massive sword.
I need to function all this into a storyline. Like what is the goal of the game. Right now I think escape sounds nice, but it is used massively for the basis of these games. I would also like ideas if you have any and maybe ways on how to code the darkness.
Darkness = Bad :D
Apr 25 2006, 9:25 am
I suggest taking these ideas, incoperateing them into your own, and not calling it Silent Hill.
In response to Teta
Why dont you just watch the rest of the movie and use that storyline?...oh yah..cuz it sucked
In response to Pyro2013
Silent Hill was one of the better movies I seen this year, and it was 100X better then Resident Evil the movie ever was.
Maybe the ending sucked for you because you didn't understand it. |
In response to Shades
Who said I was calling it Silent Hill? I said it was loosely based around Silent Hill.
Anyways now that we are off the subject allow me to get back on it. To answer Teta's question, I may make a survival mode. But for the most part it will be a story. |
In response to Tazor07
Yes, I hate it when conversations get off topic. What's up tazor long time no see. We miss your games. The movie Silent Hill was pretty well done. I see how you could make it into a game. Looking forward to it.
A long time ago, when I lived in Brazil, I was playing horror games in my friend's house. One of them was pretty cool... but I don't remember the name. It was about...
A man and his daughter were driving home, after he picked her daugter from school. However, when he was a few miles away from his home, the road got all blurry, and the windows were white. The car suddenly stopped, as if something that stoppped it from the front. Then The car was lift up, by some sort of Monster human. The man and his daughter screamed for help, but noone heard them. The monster threw their car on hill, and the the man was knocked out. When he came conscious again... his daughter had siappeared, and a tap-recorder was on her seat. The man played the tape within it, and heard the following words... Your daughter has been taken to ????? city(i dont remember the name). You have 5 hours to save her. Otherwise, she will vbe sacrificed and we shall be free again..." Then the man goes for her daughter. You find some guns, and you gotta solve soime serious puzzles in that game. It's hard as hell. Some Demons/Dinosaurs things attack you. It's more scary the Resident Evil. Believe me. But you could use some story like that,. a guy looking for something he lost... or some kind of RE's Mansion sort of story... |
In response to Gooseheaded
Hmmm, I can't think of what it is. It sounds like silent hill except for the tape recorder and monster human
In response to Dlow
Is there going to be guns to fight off the monsters or are you going to be running away more often then not?
I'm not sure if you are making it into a story, but it would be an interesting survival situation.