I've been designing a stat system, for my game that's in the early design phase, called "Hellbound". I was wondering if anyone saw any holes in my stat system as I've designed it so far. (Basically takes the best from multiple systems, combines them, and remixes them a little.) Basically, it's a point based system, with 7 basic stats.
Strength, physical force. Used for attacking, bows, the like. Also used as how effectively you can block attacks.

Dexterity, physical finesse, used for stuff like lockpicking, hit rate, actually blocking said attack.

Constitution is physical toughness, used for HP, physical ailment resistance (poison, rot, that kind of thing)

Agility is physical quickness, used for dodging attacks, and speed.

Willpower is mental force, used to determine damage and such for spells and psionics.

Intelligance is your mental finesse, used for failure rate for spells, probability of learning new spells, and such.

Sanity is your mental toughness, used to determine your stability, your resistance to horrors, and your resistance to mental ailments (Hallucination, fear, and the like.)

You have two basic damage stats. HP (Physical Health) and SP (Stability points, your mental health.) Getting hit would reduce your HP, getting blasted by an eldrich horror would reduce your SP. And, in this game, you are in hell, so you'll be running into a lot of horrible things.

You also have EP, energy points. Used to cast spells, use psionics, and special attacks.

Any feedback would be greatly appriciated. I'll post the character classes after I refine them a little more. As well as the perks system.
Well, aside from the spelling of intelligence, it seems okay. However it's hard to gauge a stat system without knowing the formulas that go into it, since they're what matter. The scale of the stats and how they're used are the really important deal.

Still one suggestion would be to follow the KISS principle. More than 6 stats and the system becomes laborious, so I'd recommend ditching the Sanity stat. Sanity is tied so much into Willpower anyway that the same stat could pull double duty. I do see what you're doing, though, in that you have one stat that's more offensive (Strength) and one more defensive (Constitution). I just think in the mental realm, there's a lot less distinction between the two.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
I haven't played those RPGs with those type of stats in awhile, but you can tie 2 things into each stat to make it fair. Ex. Constitution = HP and defense(from what I remember)
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Still one suggestion would be to follow the KISS principle.

What does KISS stand for? =3
In response to Tazor07
KISS=keep it simple stupid...I'm guessing?
In response to TheJester
TheJester wrote:
KISS=keep it simple stupid...I'm guessing?

Maybe because of the implied irreverence (or blatant insult, depending on perception), the acronym is rarely explained. Where concerns over the word "stupid" exist, a euphemistic explanation of "Keep It Simple and Straightforward" is sometimes resorted to. Other common expansions include:

* "Keep It Super Simple";
* "Keep It Simple, Sweetie", gentler, or perhaps more patronising;
* "Keep It Small and Simple";
* "Keep It Simple, Smartguy";
* "Keep It Simple and Stupid", often used when discussing artificial intelligence;
* "Keep It Small and Scalable", often used when discussing IT;
* "Keep It Short and Simple", a common marketing maxim for sales presentations;
* "Keep It Short and Sweet";
* "Keep It Simple and Sweet";
* "Keep It Simple, Keep It Stupid", which produces the acronym KISKIS;
* "Keep It Simple; Make It Fun", a term used in scouting)
* "Keep It Spiritual; Make It Fun", variation used in the Camp Lu-Jo KISMIF slogan
* "Keep It Stupidly Simple";
* "Keep It Simple, Silly", another kinder phrasing;
* "Keep It Stupid, Simple", the joking version;
<font color=green>[entry omitted]</font>

Or the long KISSSS:

* "Keep It Short, Simple, Small, and Self-contained", for emphasis as well as to focus on 'high cohesion' within an item and 'low coupling' between items.