- First: If this is a fantasy game, it's got to have insane magical spells. Of course there should be a few generic MJish throw fireball fly in striat line spells, but be innovative. Make effects that havn't been done before. For example, in a game I'm working on I'm making a spell called Static Charge, which sends out lines of blue pixels from the source that are reacreated about 10 times in 2 seconds, so it creates kind of a static ball looking effect. And lightning bolts flying out of the air... Huge meteors crushing the ground and leaving craters. Creating a tornado... A real tornado :p Stuff like that
- If it's a sci-fi game, then you have to do the same but minus the magic. Meaning breathtaking vehicles, weapons that aren't all just shooting litle dots, explosions, destroyable terrain and vehicles. Stuff like that.
- Huge maps. Huuuge. Of course this means you'll have to be extremely smart with your CPU management, or even break the world up into multiple servers. Always somewhere new to explore.
- I wanna destroy stuff. Meaning if I see a wall and I don't like it, I should be able to blow it up. Also, the ability to build things. Monsters should drop items and stuff, but you should also be able to BUILD the same items you use. This way, people don't have to get involved in the sim part of the game, but if they want to, they can start cutting down trees, sawing wood to make handles, mining for metals, melting down raw ore to make blades... Stuff like that. If it's in the world, you should be able to build it or take it apart.
- Interactive NPCs. Get rid of the stupid menus and stuff. Actually make it integrated with the say button. Make them talk to you. Naturally they don't have to have more than maybe 5 responses a piece, but if someone happens to say a key word to them then maybe they will hint about a treasure? Like say you ask one npc something you'll get another answer from another.
- New monsters. We've gotten used to all the silly little bunnies and gremlins, do something new... Like a massive troll that comes to town and starts bashing in walls, while the town guards go to fight against it, the NPC's flee in horror. The players are offered a bounty of a thousand gold pieces if they can slay the beast. Then it turns into a fight between one npc against a bunch of npcs and players.
- Make a new kind of enemy... One that responds to what you do. Like, say there are towns in the world that are either controlled by good or evil. If you take over a town for good, evil sends out waves of demons to try to take it back, and you have to defend it. Or visa-versa if you're evil.
- Summoning and such... Let people summon multiple monsters. With the past few ideas I've been assuming this will be a fantasy game, so I'm going with that. It's lame being stuck with just one monster you can summon. I want a small army damnit. Or at least maybe half a dozen hellspawn demons to do my bidding.
- Wars. Huge battles between good and evil... That affect the outcome of the world. :) If one side wins, entirly redo the map to be controlled mostly by evil, or visa versa for good. Make it to the point where people can actually shift the entire outlook of the world just by defeating a tyrant warlock or a holy sage.
![]() Jul 20 2006, 10:21 am
Ok, I'm sure some of or maybe most of these have been said before, but I'm sayin them in my own way:
No grinding. Hahaha, honestly, how many MMORPGs have you played that are centered around leveling up? Lots I bet.
And in how many of those did leveling up become so stupidly boring and time consuming you'd level up like... Once a week if you really tried hard, and getting to maximum level would take months to a year of none stop playing. Again, lots I bet. You can pretty much play ANY MMORPG with the exception of maybe WOW and that is what you will be hit with. Also, quests are nice. Again, the majority of MMORPGs have very basic quests that consist of killing a certain amount of monsters of collecting so many items. How about making quests that have some sort of storyline. For example, lets say in one quest you have to kill Mr. Evil Wizard who lives in hiw evil tower. But where is the tower, and can you just walk into it? First you'd have to do some research and ask around to find out exactly where this evil tower is. But upon finding it you realize that you cannot just walk in. You need a magical key. So now you need to find out about this magical key and go and hunt it. Once you have the key you can then enter the tower, now you have to make your way up the tower (which could contain lots of monsters, puzzles or be like a maze, or a mixture of all of those). Once you finally make it to the top then you have to kill Mr. Evil Wizard. BUT! Suppose you yourself are evil! Maybe Mr. Evil Wizard will make a deal with you, in which case you might have to do something for Mr. Evil Wizard instead of just killing him (like killing the person who asked you to kill Mr. Evil Wizard). Why don't you ever see quests like that in MMORPGs :[? And, classes and so on don't bother me much. Provided they are all balanced and each one has a different use and playing style that is. Magic however :[ Why don't people ever bother to explore it fully? I've NEVER seen a MMORPG make good use of magic. Usually Wizards get offensive magic, like "Fire Ball" and "Big Fire Ball" and so on. And Priests just get healing spells (and standard stat increasing buffs). But why? Why can't a Wizard for example get a spell that when cast will cause the target to age? Maybe on a monster that has a short life span it will severely cripple the monster or even kill it, but on a monster that is long lived it could cause it to mature and become stronger! Or why don't they have magic that allows them to teleport a target to another location, which could be used to teleport it into the sky, in which case it will drop and be damaged (unless if can fly) and maybe it could be used to drop it over hazardous terrain which could seriously damage and even kill it. So yeah, a MMORPG that makes good use of magic would be nice. |
the switch PK on/off thing is stupid. People would turn it into a attack-defend thing. On to attack then off so you cant get hurt, really dumb, like in tag with little kids. How if you are about to tag them they call time-out cause their "tired". I say you should either make a PK area or have people Pk whenever they want and then maybe if they player who Pked is tied with that particluar city (like evil dude in evil city killing good guy) then nothing happens, or maybe he is rewarded. But if a good guy kills a bad guy in a evil city, the NPC's could try to kill him or something...
I was thinking more of a own property thing, like paying a city to open up a shop in a kind of bazzar/flea market area and upgrade it or something (bigger shop = more inventory space) also add houses, houses are cool as long as you can add furniture or add a dungen under your house with monsters for your friends to fight!
Notice I said building games? Not building in a game. I'm all for players buying their own houses and can upgrade it, as long as they aren't allow to take up the whole map or half of it. Like a little tile on the map and then when you go in it's huge, kinda like Seika. But if you add upgrading and customization like furniture and such, then that'd be pretty cool.
-Exophus |
have many different monsters raise many differnt stats exp is ghey when it comes to
Level up 1 str 3 def 5 something else instead let how you set defense and such determine how you level up |
AJX wrote:
Yesssssss. I like those last two especially. For summoning why not sacrifice something? :D Like, it'd maybe be easier for Evily people to sacrifice a human for a summon, than a good person trying to sacrifice a human. It'd be like "you're good don't do that!" And a Good person would offer up.. his possessions or something? I dunno. Gold? Faith, maybe pray? Thus giving Evil people a small edge. But, convincing people and then slaughtering them wouldn't be an easy task either. Thus making summons a rarer thing to have? And if someone has a 6 pack of demons and is in a bad mood well...people are gonna run or be eaten. The Huge wars. So, the main Goal of each side is to defeat the ruler of the land at the moment. So the Holy Sage vs. the Demonic King! A Quest for each side. Thus turning the world over.Now that would be awesome. Some cooky idea: Have awesome after-spell effects! Like say Someone turned a person to stone, they could maybe shatter them! and if they have a Jar of devouring, they could take the soul and trade it in somewhere? Or if a good person frees someone they would be rewarded with a special possession. Or fun spells, like A spell that give the enemy the effect of drinking 100 beers.("Intoxication" , Buwhahaha!) Thus making them completely plastered, not seeing straight and not able to hit worth a bean. :D |
I was actually working with Hiddeknight on an MMORPG that involved PvP with Faction-Controlled towns and cities. Heheh so much for that piece of crap. XD
Secondly, exploring the entire magic thing, you could be like DnD where there are different schools of magic. Also, you could take it like TheElderScrolls and allow players to create their own spells. |